No Offense, And

4 Minutes to Cleanse and Clear Your Energy - a Meditation

Kelly and Kendle Season 1 Episode 18


I am energy. You are energy. We are energy.

The words we use, experiences we have, people we engage with, dreams we dream are all instances in which our energy can be absorbed or given to something else and times we can absorb energies that are not ours. This simple mediation guides us in returning our energy to ourselves and the energies we no longer wish to hold with love. It is an excellent exercise to incorporate into your morning or evening routine or at any time you feel want to cleanse and clear your energy.


Breath deeper, move energies, and find community with mustard shower evolution

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Kendle: Hey, y'all. You're listening to no Offense and a loving and nourishing space created to fuel conversations around personal and collective liberation. We're Kelly Kendle, having vulnerable and intentional conversations full of humor, empathy, and of course, love. 

Kelly: Honestly, these episodes are just our opinions. So take no offense and we invite you to explore yourself through our words, help grow our community by leaving a review and most importantly, sharing. Now, let's get into some self loving

Kendle: hello and happy Self Love Monday. On this Self Love Monday, I will be guiding you through a meditation of sorts. I refer to it as an energy cleanse and clear meditation. This practice has really been so profound in my life and has become a fundamental tool that I tap into everything is energy. Yeah, words, I'm saying things, I'm seeing it's all energy. I am energy, you are energy. And when we have interactions with one another, especially if we are not in a place that has maybe protected our energy prior to these conversations or these conversations are activating, whatever it might be, it could even be an interaction in a dream state, these are ways that we exchange energy with one another. We pick up other people's energy and we give other people our energy. And I have found that it's incredibly important for me to remove other people's energy from my field and to call my own energy back to me. So this practice I'm going to guide us through does that is something that I learned from a woman named Elizabeth Peru. And I have kind of taken it onto my own to make it my own, made it my own, and I encourage you to do the same. You may need to listen to it for handful ten times like I did before I really kind of knew the rhythm of it. The whole premise of it, though, is really just taking a moment to ground into our body, to breathe a little bit and to ask the energies that we have picked up to leave our body and be transmuted into love for our energy that we have given away transmuted into love and returned home to us. So this is something that you can do at any time of the day, after any kind of interaction that you feel maybe your energy was taken a little bit or you took on someone else's energy. It is also something that you can do as a ritual. So something to wake up with, something to integrate into a nighttime routine, to wind down. That tends to be when I do it most. However, I also wake up in a certain kind of state from dreams all the time. I personally feel that dreams are premonitions, they are messages, they are things that really tend to speak to us, to give us. It's just another realm, it's another word, another world. So anytime you feel you could use this, please tap into it. And I hope that you enjoy. 


I invite you to begin by taking any organic movement, settling into your seat or laying down. And when you feel called, I invite you to take three deep breaths, in through the nose and sigh it out through the mouth.


Now, I invite you to either repeat after me out loud or in your mind,

all the while maintaining a breath in and out through the nose or in through the nose and out through the mouth. I call upon any and all energy that I've picked up from situations, experiences, other beings, other realms. I ask that these energies leave my energy, body, energy field are cleansed and cleared and the light transmuted into love and return to their home


breathing. While these energies leave you, allowing for any movements that are calling, any noises, just shake it off, hit the ground, whatever it may be, allow these energies to flow out with gratitude.


And now I call upon my energies which have been picked up or I've given away to situations, experiences, other beings, other realms. I ask that these energies are cleansed and cleared in the Light transmuted into love and return home to me, breathing deep. As these energies return home again, taking any movement, just simply knowing that you are being rejuvenated, refreshed and reset. I invite you to continue to breathe, to move into gratitude, to move into prayer, to journal, or simply to close your eyes and go to sleep.

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