No Offense, And
Welcome to No Offense, And — a loving and nourishing space created to fuel conversations around personal and collective liberation. Join Denver-based, Aquarius Suns, Manifesting Generators, works-in-progress, and practical strangers Kelly and Kendle on their journeys towards their higher selves as they have conversations with incredible guests and each other around self-love and how we can rise up together to rebuild our world in the Age of Aquarius.
We aim to empower, encourage, expand, and elevate you with each episode as we dive deep into vulnerable, intentional, and heart-based conversations. We are committed to leaving our world better than we found it and promise to listen, to change, to take responsibility for our actions, words, and privileges, and to learn from our mistakes. We know when we collectively fight against toxic conditioning, by consciously choosing to love and build each other up, the world will become a more accepting, nourishing and loving space that will serve everyone so take no offense, and please listen up.
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We acknowledge we are operating on the occupied land of the Ute, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne peoples colonized as Denver - we pay our respects to those past, present, and future. We also acknowledge this statement is not enough and are committed to giving a portion of our proceeds to the people whose land we occupy and are in the process of getting a true land reverence.
Introduction music: Abstract Design by ComaStudio
Outro Music: Mesmerizing by Gvidon
Trailer Music: Summer Hip-Hop Groove
No Offense, And
Intense Purges, Downloads, and Subliminal Messages – Our Juicy Life Update
PSA: Kendle gags a lot in this episode !!
And then we got high... take a ride with us this week as we decompress from the stress of launching the podcast! We speak to what we are learning about ourselves through the lens of children, Saturn Return, change, releasing ourselves from boxes, social media, and meditating.
We also talk about:
- What playing hard looks like
- Body shaming males face
- Letting the cycle of rebirth happen
- Layers of intentionality
- The subliminal nature of white supremacy
- Humans tendency to gossip
- Conditioning to care about material items more than human life
Sarah Faith Gottesdiener - tarotscopes and more
Yuka App - scans food and cosmetics
Find the full episode transcription here
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Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor
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Email: nooffenseand@gmail.com
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We acknowledge we are operating on the occupied land of the Ute, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne peoples colonized as Denver - we pay our respects to those past, present, and future. We also acknowledge this statement is not enough and are committed to giving a portion of our proceeds to the people whose land we occupy and are in the process of getting a true land reverence.
Kendle: Hey, y'all. You're listening to no Offense and a loving and nourishing space created to fuel conversations around personal and collective liberation. We're Kelly Kendle, having vulnerable and intentional conversations full of humor, empathy, and, of course, love.
Kelly: Honestly, these episodes are just our opinions, so take no offense, and we invite you to explore yourself through our words, help grow our community by leaving a review and most importantly, sharing. Now let's get into some self loving
Kendle: howdy. All right, so when Kelly and I recorded this episode, it was the day before the podcast launched. And to say that we were both a bit stressed feels to be a little bit of an understatement. It was terrifying putting ourselves out there in this way. It has become less so now that it already is, but it was very much that moment of just like, oh, my gosh. Everything that we've been working towards is now about to be available to the world. Those people who find it choose to engage with it. Yeah, we were feeling some kind of way, and I think in just doing that process, we were both really stepping out of our comfort zone. We were both shedding a lot of layers, shedding previous versions of ourselves. And so we got a little high. We took some CBD, THC gummies, and wanted to do our typical catch up episode due to the creative enhancements and really medicine that marijuana can provide. We went on a lot of tangents in this one. We're kind of everywhere and nowhere in this one. And it's also really fun, we think. And there's a lot of things that we touch on that really just speak to why we started this podcast in the first place. I personally gag a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. I actually had to edit out a lot of my gagging because it was like, so much gagging. I was just releasing a lot. So you aren't going to hear that. You're going to experience that. And I just wanted to let you all know that this episode is a different one, and it's fun, and we hope you enjoy it. And as always, just thank you for being on this ride with us. We so appreciate all of you, all of your time, all of your energy, and all of your love. Thank you again, I hope you enjoy
Kelly: you want to try something today?
Kendle: Try to sing?
Kelly: try something
Kendle: Oh. Yeah.
Kelly: Do you want to try and learn your actual voice?
Kendle: Oh, shoot, sure.
Kelly: I mean, trying to practice it every once in a while, it's hard to change your voice, but this is supposed to be your authentic voice, so you do, like, a deep breath in through your nose, and then as you let it out through your stomach at the very bottom of your pelvis, you let out kind of a sigh. Very natural. Just [noise of letting out sigh] And that is your tone. Of voice that's real.
Kendle: Okay. I think I already know my tone. I'm doing it anyway.
I don't really know how to make it low. Like, it in my body.
Kelly: Ah breathwork master.
Kendle: Im not a master.
Kelly: I know. Sorry. Facilitator.
Kendle: I dont know, supporter.
Kelly: You don’t like the caste system.
Kendle: I don't like the caste system. I really don't. Hierarchical things are keeping us down. I'm going to try this again.
Kelly: Okay. I feel like my voice is much deeper, honestly. I was like, do I sound like I should be having sex over the phone?
Kendle: When you say it like that? Yes.
Kelly: Oh, it's kind of in this very kind of like, realm I never knew.
Kendle: Should we start a sex hotline to pay for everything and you can quit your job?
Kelly: Hey, Daddy.
Kendle: Don't call me Daddy.
Kelly: I mean, shit, I'll do anything for money right now. Sales are not doing good
Kendle: and sales as a manufacturing generator. I don't think that's where you're meant to be, man.
Kelly: I know, but I was thinking I was like, I'm not making sales at my daytime job, but I sure did make some money this week on my other business.
Kendle: Yes, you did. That's huge. That is so huge.
Kelly: I know. I was like, this is kind of nice. And I'm not going to lie. That little you're going to hear a lighter light. Sorry. Salto. Getting those little emails, though, saying you have a sale. So, like yeah, it feels good. So exciting. Here I am, packaging, and every time I go to the post office, I'm like, so exciting. I mean, just again, so beautiful. I feel like this is everything we ever talk about. It just comes back to that energy.
Kendle: Yeah. The love that you're putting into it.
Kelly: Yeah. Also, I'm feeling I need to do a disclaimer. I took a CBD gummy and I'm feeling all the things I've been avoiding feelings. Weed makes me feel my body, and I've learned to not feel my body because my human design is to feel. And if I feel everything and if I don't feel also, it's like somatic based therapy and weed
Kelly: I'm like, is it kicking in?
Kendle: Oh, I mean, I think so. My hands are really sweaty.
Kelly: They're always sweaty. I know. They had this other gummy there. I forget what it was mixed with. I didn't get it. I should have gotten it. I didn't get it. I should have. But the CBD one is obviously helpful for pain. Yes. The other one, though, is supposed to help with, like, anxiety and emotions, kind of. I should have gotten one of those. I was like, I'm fine, I don't have anxiety.
Kendle: Okay, show me a human that doesn't have anxiety. Challenge.
Kelly: I didn't think I had anxiety.
Kendle: I've never felt more honored. I love mini hands.
Kelly: I'm sure I felt anxiety as a kid. I just never recognized it was anxiety. But I feel like the older I am, I don't know if it's just because the older I am, I'm like more anxious or I'm just more aware that it's anxiety now.
Kendle: Yeah, I mean, I definitely had that moment of, oh, this is how I've always been feeling. I learned what anxiety was. Oh, that's why I feel nauseous and sick.
My voice is changing. I think that my voice changed when I started being intentional with my breath because I was very up here and can very easily live here and my breaths are very shallow. And the more I started working with my lungs and allowing myself to breathe, it's just like the way I sing, the way I talk, everything has shifted.
Kelly: What did it sound like before?
Kendle: I don't know. I think it was I don't know, it's hard to say. I think last week we kind of talked about the spell work of timeline jumping and I definitely have a lot of blockage in my throat that's from many things. Like as a kid being told whatever a couple of times. Like there's memories moving from Virginia to California, accent getting made fun of hardcore Kelly: because you should totally talk like this. And I only say that because everyone's always told me I sound like a Valley girl. And I've lived in Colorado my entire life, so no shade. I'm a Valley girl at heart.
Kendle: Accents are so fascinating.
Kelly: Yeah.
Kendle: So just like so much blockage here. My mom's accident with her throat. Just like so many things in a woman's society. I'm a white woman, so I'm more of I don't know, vocal. Back to voice point though. I just think that breathing definitely has helped with that. And I think that's why when I do breath work, I gag. I gag so much because I think it's a blockage. I think it's a self learned blockage. self control. back to that partswork, right. I have that manager inside me, which is funny because I'm loud a lot. If I feel comfortable, I have to be very comfortable to chat, to get deep. I like to observe.
Kelly: Anyway, I think that's normal. You say that and I totally think about the times of when I'm in my emotions, I'm feeling insecure, I don't feel safe and I'm in conversation or you can feel that in your voice. Whether that makes my voice go down or I'm just softer in my speaking or whatever that may be. I think that's a huge thing for a lot of people. Yeah, just the anxiety. Kendle: You're just saying that. I'm just thinking about anxiety and how now it's in every part. I mean, she's about the podcast. This is our baby. We've been creating this and we're about to put it on to this harsh, harsh world.
Kelly: You're getting anxious about the launch tomorrow?
Kendle: I think everything I think I'm just like real then. Well, everything is changing. There's not a single thing in my life that is not changing in this moment, which I think is true always. Everything's temporary. Things are always in some feeling a gag right now. Oh, my God. Some form of changing. And a friend and I were looking at our Saturn return and we both have Saturn in the 8th house. 12th house is in astrology. And then it's also in a sign, the one of them hold on.
Kelly: Take a breath
Kendle: Thank you.
Kelly: Another one. One more.
Kendle: Thank you.
Kelly: You never recovered from the gag.
Kendle: I didn't. Good point.
Kelly: So Im like let's breath.
Kendle: Yeah. In addition to fear of change, it's part of our Saturn return. And everything is changing right now. And because of that, then all my wounds are coming up. Right. So I feel like I'm being abandoned and everything. And how that's showing up again? That now I know. So what can I do about it? If I have a natural inclination to fear change, to avoid it, how can I shift that mindset? Know that I have that and welcome it. Because everything is about your freaking change, man. Scary.
Kelly: You should know it can be scary for everybody. Anybody. I mean, having that sense of the unknown. What are you doing to help push through that?
Kendle: This talking about it, voicing. It, I think, bringing to awareness that I can't just work. I need to also play and nourish and care for myself. Well, enjoy and work.
Kelly: Like, you gotta work hard, party hard. I'm a work hard, party hard kind of girl.
Kendle: Yeah, exactly. Work hard, play hard. That was, like, literally the motto in college. Work hard and then play hard.
Kelly: Yeah. Maybe too hard. Well, I think playing hard now for us is like, I'm going camping this week. Let's go get reiki. Healing back then was like, how many rails of Coke can I do in the bathroom?
Kendle: Yeah.
Kelly: Now I can't do that anymore. I was like, I can't wait to go and just get my yoni steamed and my womb healed. That is just like, playing hard for me now.
Kendle: I like that. That changing mindset, right? Yeah. How do we play hard doing things that are helping my body instead of destroying them?
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: Two girlfriends and I plan to hike Saturday a while back. And it gave me a lot of anxiety all week because I was like, I can't take Saturday off. I need to work. And going was so restorative and just exactly what I needed. And showed me that if I give myself that, then the days that I am working, I'm gag again. Change. I'm more productive in that word, but, like, I'm more efficient. I'm just more on it. More in it.
Kelly: You're more inspired.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: You're more inspired to allow your body and your mind to take a break, recharge itself. Kendle: Yes. Fill it with love.
Kelly: Especially for me, being with the girls I'm like, I feel so alive. My life has been missing without why haven't I seen you, bates in, like, three fucking months? Oh, God. Why don't we hang out all the time. All the time. I need you. And then you do. You leave. You feel recharged. You feel enlightened. You feel your soul is clear. You just feel happy. And then you put that in your work. Yeah, but we've been conditioned. Like, when I had COVID, we talked about that. Like, oh, my God, I feel guilty for not working, though. I'm still sick right now with COVID. I don't even have a voice. I physically cannot speak because I'm so sick right now. But I'm still like, where's my laptop? I need to go get it. Let me just check an email. I need to make sure everything's okay. Oh, my goodness. We're so conditioned to do that. And it's driven me insane. And I finally have gotten to the point where I'm like, yes, I know where I need to work and push myself. Yes, I know that if I want to get things in my life that I want, I need to work hard, but I don't need to be accessible to career 150% of the time.
Kendle: May I pause you for a moment? Yeah. I need to have pen and paper while we're doing this.
Kelly: Okay. I can get you some.
Kendle: It’s okay. Thank you. You're talking, and I want to hold space, and you talking is giving me downloads. Gag, change. Oh, my God.
Kelly: It's not funny, but it's kind of funny.
Kendle: Its Hilarious.
Kelly: It's funny because I was watching you literally regurgitate all of your anxiety. You're like, fuck it. I don't need you. You're leaving my body. I'm getting downloads for new things.
Kendle: When I was younger and anxious. I would puke. I puke all the time. Puke most days on track. Because it was so anxiety. It wasn't a part of team. It was individual. Everyone was fucking watching me. I was not slow. I was quick and which is surprising because Im 5’2. Kelly: Im like because you're white.
Kendle: Yeah, that's a great point. Oh, shit.
Kelly: What?
Kendle: what if white people are the way they are because they're the slowest runners in the world? White supremacy.
Kelly: If you are afraid of that. Okay.
Kendle: Yes. I'm actually five one and a half. I'm going to correct myself. Driver's license. You can't.
Kelly: You're five two.
Kendle: Yes, because they said they don't do half sizes, and I said, that's rude. I'm five two. Give me an inch.
Kelly: I lie on my driver's license. I'm a little taller and I'm a little lighter.
Kendle: Lighter? Oh, and weight. Okay. Which is also white supremacy. Both of these are sad. Kelly: I'm giving Kendle Gummies before we record all the time.
Kendle: Fair. Weed for women. Elizabeth we mentioned her every atmosphere. Is expansive.
Kelly: She helps and educates.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: You value everything that she says because, you know, it comes from a space of love and wanting the better for women and the collective and as a whole. Of course, you, like, value and retain everything she says, just like you all retain and value everything that we say.
Kendle: I spoke my language the other day doing breath work.
Kelly: You did what? What did you say?
Kendle: I spoke light language the other day.
Kelly: What does that mean?
Kendle: Holding space for a friend to breathe. So I channeled, I think, the Palladians, and I just let them use my body, and I stopped it a lot. I was like, Am I channeling this evil? Just checking in, like, what is happening? Like just confirming.
Kelly: When was that? When did you say that? I'm literally shaking. You're going to freak me out. When did you see that? When did it happen?
Kendle: Yes. Thursday? time is hard for me right now.
Kelly: Okay. So one of the things I wanted to talk to you about yeah. This is going to freak you out. So I've been trying to go out at night. Meditation, music, relax, trying to meditate while I'm walking Cali. And I like being I like nighttime. I love the sun, and I love day, but I love nighttime. I love the stars. I love the moon. I love nighttime. But I'm like doing all of these meditations that are relaxing and you're breathing and you're feeling in your body and you're trying to connect with spirit and all of those things. Right. And this happened twice, two different days, but they were very close to each other, and I was doing the same thing. And meditation has you kind of like visualizing a beautiful area with water and the space and whatever. Right? All good things. And then I have a little dark energy pop into it. Define dark energy.
Kendle: What do you mean by that? Because we say the word dark, and I
Kelly: it was scary,
Kendle: okay.
Kelly: It almost looked like evil, like a monster. Like it scared me out of it. And I was like, what the fuck was that?
Kendle: You were visualizing?
Kelly: Yeah, because it went from beautiful blue skies and water and tranquility, and this little thing of scary evil came in. I was like, oh my God, is it double popping into my brain? What was that? And I freaked out the first time, and I was like, okay, I'm just going to breathe through it's fine, we're okay. And then I did it another day. I think it was Friday. Thursday was around those days. Same kind of thing. Kind of like visualizing breathing just in my thought. And it happened. I can but not as scary. Still scary, but not as scary. I think maybe just because I saw it again, it's still kind of like monsters scary, and I have to stop and think about it and breathe through it again. I was like, Why is this still happening? What is wrong with me? I'm here trying to visualize peace, and I have evil coming into it. And then I was trying to think about it some more. I'm like, okay, I can't think of it as scary. It's in there for a reason.
Kendle: What is it?
Kelly: I still don't know, but I wanted to talk to you about it, but it's weird that you're like, oh, I was, like, totally channeling aliens.
Kendle: Yeah.
Kelly: And something outside.
Kendle: Yeah. Other light beings.
Kelly: Yeah.
Kendle: Yeah. So you saying all of that. First, I want to circle back to many things, one of them being you say, what am I doing wrong? You're just trying it. You're learning.
Keelly: I feel like, let me be mad at myself. I know it's scary because it's like, I'm over here doing so good.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: Like, I'm visualizing beauty, and then all of a sudden, it's like it felt scary. I was like, whoa. Yeah, there must be something missing. And it's like, is it the resistance within? Because I know Elizabeth was like, I've been trying to talk to my inner child. I'm trying to give her safety. I'm trying to protect her. I'm trying to let her know things are okay. And is it just like the resistance? Right? Is it that ego? I don't know what it is, but it's something that does it say stuff when, you know, it just pops in. But I also don't stay with it because it's scary. Immediately. I'm like, whoa.
Kendle: Yeah, that's interesting. So maybe we're doing some parts work, and a part is coming in, and that's what it looks like, and we're afraid of it. It's one of us. Maybe.
Kelly: So that’s why I was like When did you hear that? Because with that recent was there just something going on in the universe that day that's, like, we're here for a message or whatever.
Kendle: Yeah. Yes. When you say that, I'm like, oh. So what intention are we setting when we're going into this meditation? Because I think we have to be very careful what we're inviting in and what we're asking for. So if I'm saying spirit guides that want to connect to you, I feel like that is we need to grow it. So when I try to connect and I realized that I am very connected to higher self, I'm not connected to my spirit guides as much, so I need to focus on my right. Elizabeth, she said she hears her higher self on her left and her spirit guides on her right, and I'm sorry. Having visions, podcasts ideas. So many ideas right now. Yeah.
I keep pulling eight of Pentacles, which is an apprentice carving the pentacle over and over again. And ego death. I keep getting ego death, which is back to the anxiety, which is also back to the parts work and back to this person coming in. Right. Like, are we going through an ego death? Maybe. Is it ego fighting? Maybe. Is it a part of Kelly that the trauma shattered? And maybe it's a manager. Back to the manager. Right. On my license, I am thin, and my license, I am higher. Like me helping us survive this world.
Kelly: Yeah.
Kendle: So I think, again, intention when I'm trying to connect, I want to ask for any and all beings that surround light beings, I say, that surround support guide uplift and love me, and they're here for my highest good, highest healing, and the highest good for all and then extend that list to whoever it might be.
Kelly: So it's being more intentional with the intention yeah. Less broad.
Kendle: Yeah. It's, like, manifesting sometimes I get so in charge by that word.
Kelly: I know you do have, but it's true, right? You have to be very particular and smart with your words, because sometimes what you're thinking is not what's necessarily true. It's like a genie. The genie is going to take what your words are, and unless you are really specific and everything that you need, you kind of have to be very intentional with what you're saying. I want everything good for everyone. I want those extra details in there. It's like that movie did you ever watch the movie? What was it called? Bedazzled. It has a British lady. She's gorgeous. She's got, like, the dark hair, and I got to look it up. Group movie the devil. But he makes a deal with the devil, and she's the devil, and so he gets wishes, right? He's like, I want to be a basketball player and rich and famous, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and all this stuff. And then he gets turned into, like, a really dumb, like, stupid basketball player, and he's got a really small dick. So you've got to be intentional with what you're saying. Otherwise you may manifest the wrong thing.
Kendle: Interesting. group movie night!
Kelly: That would be fun. These are my favorite. And then we can probably talk about the movie and how it's, like, also how it plays into white supremacy and conditioning.
Kendle: Yes, that's what I wanted to say. He has a small dick. Men face body shaming too. Right? And I feel for that. That's, like, such a thing of white supremacy because it doesn't serve anyone. So how do we control the men that I'm also not serving? Let's make them conscious about this, this and this. It's different for us. It's a more privileged version of that, just as I am a more privileged version than you, however, doesn’t serve anyone. And so I just want to send some love to the dudes, man.
Kelly: If you have a little dick, little dicks need love to yes.
Kendle:And they're great at sex in their own capacity. No one can be bad at sex. We just excuse me. Let me reword this. What I mean is we are conditioned to be bad at sex because we're conditioned to fear sex. Because when we're tapped into our sexuality, our femininity, even on the male side, if you're connected to your feminine energy, you're connected to the Earth, you're connected to everyone. You're connected to all the bodies that have been buried inside of her. That is why she's so freaking powerful. Oh, my God. Like, holy shit, everyone. Oh, my God. Okay, I just need to I need to say something that is probably controversial and coming to me in this moment.
Kelly: Okay.
Kendle: Ashes.
Kelly: No offense, and bitches. No offense and feel free to share Kenny.
Kendle: So we've kept our dead very to ourselves these days. It's not communal. Death in Uganda is very communal. And I just had this vision of I think I was watching sex education on Netflix with Greg and Grandmas. Ashes fell. We have so many beings whose ashes have not touched the Earth, whose body has not been returned to the Earth. Death is a rebirth. We get reborn. We are a part of this Earth as this Earth as a part of us. There's so many bodies that haven't touched the ground because we're so afraid of death and because we want to hold on to it. And because so many things, because white supremacy doesn't allow us to say what we need to say to heal. Because I want us to heal. Because I just want to be connected to our femininity. The drink keep going. I don't know what I'm saying anymore. Pausing in that. Yeah.
Kelly: So intention and letting the rebirth happen.
Kendle: Yeah.
Kelly: Stop holding on to the past. We can't change it.
Kendle: We can't change it.
It's hilarious. It's good, though. Laughter is a way that we release energy. It is a way that we heal. Laughter is a trauma response. And sometimes all you can do is laugh because it's just like, all of a sudden, it's so clear, and
Kelly: you're like it makes you feel better. Laughing makes you feel better. Laughing is healing.
Kendle: Yeah. Laughter is healing. Yeah.
Kelly: That's why anger sucks, because laughter is healing and it makes you feel good.
Kendle: Yes. It's hard to move away from anger, I think, as white people, I can only speak from my experience. I think we've been really conditioned to be very angry, because when you're tapped into your anger, just as Elizabeth was saying, you're not tapped into the femininity. You're trapped just in a box. In a box of anger. It's a very easy box to be.
Kelly: It is. I mean, think how people like to bond. Or you don't like somebody. I don't like them either. Yes. You don't like this thing. You don't like that food. I hate that food. That's where people are growing a lot of relationships, and that's how they bond. Or on negative and bad things, whether it's about people, things, places, items, whatever it is. Instead, you should be relating to people with things, about what they love, about what they enjoy in life, about how they're giving back and creating more in this world. Not like, oh, we hate the same thing. But that's why a lot of relationships are from a lot of my past. Relationships are based off of nothing. Like just gossip and talking and negativity and whatever it is and how much my life has shifted. Cutting those types of relationships out that aren't serving me and that are putting me on a vibration that I don't want to ride on and then surrounding myself with people that are more like minded and talking about the things that I want to do in this world to make a better impact. That's when I feel a lot fucking better and a lot more nourished in my fucking friendships.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: But we get conditioned to be in hate, to be angry. It's so easy to be angry and mad. It is hard, especially for someone that's used to being angry and mad all the time to be happy. But it feels a lot better once you get to that side.
Kendle: Im Processing a lot.
Kelly: I'm still thinking about movie nights.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: There's so many things.
Kendle: Yeah. And yes, I've been having so many conversations about that, about the gossiping nature and how that's not what people want for their friendships. Thank you for sharing.
Kelly: Yeah.
Kendle: This is making me process so much.
Kelly: Yeah. But it's like right. I think about social media. It's so easy. Like, why are we scared of social media? Because it's such a judgmental place. Why is it such a judgmental place? Because people are angry. And what do people do when they're angry? They judge. And it's an easy place to target. You don't know anything about any of those people that are posting. You don't even know if that's a real person or not. So to have so much hate towards something, someone that you don't even know instead of giving them love is crazy. That's why we don't like social media. That's why we are scared of social media, because we're not like that. I would never go on social media and bash somebody or want to go on social media and write something nasty or hateful on there. I would never want to do that to somebody. You don't know what the fuck they're going through.
Kendle: Yes. I don't have permission to share this story. I'm going to get it before we air this. In middle school, myspace.
Kelly: Myspace put me on your top eight. I used to love myspace. That’s my generation.
Kendle: How old were you when you got myspace?
Kelly: Middle school. Probably somewhere around there. High school, early high school, late middle school.
Kendle: Yeah.
Kelly: Coding our pages. Having a song.
Kendle: What can we replace sorry with?
Kelly: I should show you my MySpace pictures.
Kendle: You have access to that?
Kelly: I found it not too long ago. It takes me a long time to remember the password, but I should show you the pictures.
My life used to be different. Really fun, but different.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: I feel blessed.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: Oh, my gosh. See? I just need to be able to harness that free spirit without all the drugs and alcohol. Did you watch Jersey Shore?
Kelly: Yes. I still watch Jersey Shore to this day. I watched them on vacation. I watched two episodes yesterday.
Kendle: They're big influence in our culture.
Kelly: Yes
Kendle: you are how old?
Kelly: 33.
Kendle: Beautiful.
Kelly: Aging. Is. A. Privilege.
Kendle: Yes. You're in an angel number here, girl. Let's rethink that.
Kelly: Oh, I feel like I wasted all day.
Kendle: Oh no how!? time is infinite! There is no such thing as time. There is no such thing as time. Angel number 33.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: And we're timeline jumping, right? We're always timeline jumping.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: Oh, my gosh. Who was it? I've been telling everyone about parts work
Kelly: good. As you should.
Kendle: It's applicable to every person. I believe we're going to put it on social media.
Kelly: Oh, absolutely, yes. Social media is a part of our life, and we're resisting it because it's terrifying.
Kendle: To your point. Can be evil.
Kelly: Can be evil.
Kendle: Can be evil.
Kelly: That's why we're changing it.
Kendle: Yes. That's the point, though, is myspace.
Kelly: Oh, sorry. Sorry.
Kendle: It brings it back. Always. It always comes back. And we just got to wait for it all.
Kelly: I feel like we just had a glitch. That's like what these segments are. I just had a glitch on the Matrix.
Kendle:Yes. Thank you. Okay, so two things. I'm putting pins in this.
Kelly: Yes. Are we still talking about MySpace?
Kendle: All of it. Okay. Pin to MySpace and Pin to 33 saying sorry. We'll come back to that. Myspace. The story that I'm again going to receive permission before.
[Lips smacking noise]
Kelly: Yeah.
[Lips smacking noise x 3]
Kendle: Every time. However, I know it's for the experience, I'll probably leave that set in. Just so you all know,
we were girls at the time, so I'm going to refer to us as girls. We're in middle school and someone created a MySpace about her, and it was very mean,
Kelly: poor thing.
Kendle: It was very mean
Kelly: poor thing.
Kendle: And I saw that and I went through stages of needing it, I think, in summer. I know this from my human design, I need an invitation, and that includes, I think, reaching out and texting and that thing, because I have that conditioning, and part of Blueprint, to believe that no one wants to hear from me. So many things.
Kelly: It's intimidating to put ourselves out there. It's scary to know what's going to come our way when we do put ourselves out there, because that is the truth that does exist.
Kendle: And we're putting ourselves out there in a very public way.
Kelly: So that is common.
Kendle: I've been having a lot of dreams. I want to learn more about dreamwork.
Kelly: I do, too, because I've been dreaming a lot lately. I always dream a lot. But lately the dreams have been different.
Kendle: Yes. They're messages, premonitions.
Kelly: Yeah. And the dreams aren't as bad anymore, because when I'm depressed, my dreams are bad.
Kendle: Yeah.
Kelly: And the nightmares that come in.
Kendle: Maybe that's depression. That's your part of you that is depressed. What would you call it?
Kelly: A demon.
Kendle: That's intriguing to me, if I may say. Why? It relates to your culture. Our cultures are conditioned to believe certain things. From the little that I know of, the very wide spectrum of Asian culture, there are often demons, outside forces. So it's depicted the dragons, the
Kelly: mulan, mushu.
Kendle: Right. All the things and why that is very fascinating to me that when you tap into your heart space, because we all have a heart space, and it all looks like something, it's all very nature in some capacity that you are maybe having ancestral energy, cultural, landscape, place, and thing. And it's just interesting to me that it takes that imagery to me that's our history. It's like all bodies buried in the ground below us.
Kelly: Yeah. I've never really tapped into, like, ancestral stuff.
Kendle: Yeah, same.
Kelly: And it's interesting because I'm Korean. My mom is Korean. She obviously has that side. But I'm very Westernized American. I don't know a lot about the Korean culture side of things. I want to do some ancestral, work.
Kendle: Same. And the beautiful thing is that this is our curriculum. This podcast is how we are evolving. This is our intentional tool.
Kelly: We're doing it.
Kendle: Exactly. It makes us freaking do it.
Kelly: I have accountability. Yes. I need someone to keep me accountable.
Kendle: Hey, what's up? I've been searching for you, man. I'm like, who wants to be my accountability buddy for so long?
Kelly: And I am, too. I'm like, Kendlel, did you wear the lingerie? Kendle, you'd be a bad bitch right now.
Kendle: Fingers scare me, and I think I need to get better at that, maybe with all the fingers. Bring me my mini hand now. They don't if they have a mini hand on them.
Kelly: What about all the fingers?
Kendle: It's too much to do.
Kelly: Okay.
Kendle: Yeah. Just need it. It's like a neutralizer.
Kelly: Okay.
Kendle: A conductor.
Kely: Yes. I keep you looking.
Kendle: Yes. And all they'll do too. And it just makes me think of Lizzo, it's about Damn time.
Kelly: She has been your hype girl for the last few weeks.
Kelly: Gosh, soul mate.
Kendle: It's about damn time. I'm about to get into my feelings. Tell me how you feel that energy that you just channel when you listen to her kindle. That's true. We're all channelers. We're all conductors. We're all channeling something back to the thing about the demon. Like, is it an outside force. And so being intentional is what I'm asking for. Am I being intentional?
Kelly: Yes. So I had to tap into it.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: And I can't stop meditating because it's scary.
Kendle: I need to keep pushing through because that little creature that you see is scary.
Kelly: Yes. Okay.
Kendle: You again reminded me of when you were telling me about the meditation. I hear I see. I think ego. It could be the whatever. However, I think it's also intention.
Kelly: It's layers of intention.
Kendle:Yeah, it's layers of intentionality. Just in the beginning, for sure.
Kelly: So I spent Saturday with my niece.
Kendle: Yay, Miss Adrienne. God.
Kelly: Granddaughter.
Kendle: Granddaughter. Thank you.
Kelly: One of her granddaughters. Yeah, one of her granddaughters. And I thought, right, let's say I got to hold her. She threw up on me, and you want to talk about gag reflex. Mrs. Adrienne is like, that's why you don't have kids yet. You'll get used to it. It's fine. But yes, I saw her. I picked her up. We hung out with her. We had a movie day. It was amazing. Or movie night, it was amazing. But there are so many lessons that you can learn from just listening to your children. Oh, God, I love being with some kids. I'm going to say that again. There are some lessons you can learn from listening to children. The two things that I got from her was we were walking to the car, and she pointed to her neighbor's house, and she said, that lady that lives there reminds me of you. And I was like, what does that mean? Is she Asian? Like, I'm so confused. And it's funny because it's conditioning, right? To think automatically, to race, instead of like, just what is she? Why do you say that without a judgment before a question? Why did you say that, sweetie? Because she's nice like you.
Kendle: This is awesome.
Kelly: I know. Again, children. Then we were making a pizza, and she was sitting at the island. I'm just talking to her. I want to know about her day. I want to know about her life. I want to know what's happening. I haven't seen her in forever. House, school. And she was talking about a story that she made. And I was like, Please share. I want to know the story that you made. She's like, I didn't bring it, but I'll tell it to you. And I'm like, Girl, story time it up. I'm excited. What is a story about? The story was about her being a superhero, and I wanted to know what her superpowers were. And she gave me a plethora of ideas, and I was like, damn, if I was a superhero, I'd pick, like, maybe one or two things. She's over here picking everything, not limiting herself at all. Because when I think of a superhero, I think about some limitations, right? No, I want to do everything. I want to be able to fly. I want to be able to do everything. I wanted to do this. Okay, my little niece over here, just knowing that she does not have to stick in any box, I love her. Lesson learned. And then on top of that, she was telling me about the story and how there's other superheroes, and I was like, okay, tell me about the other superheroes and who she is. And she's like, oh, I'm the captain. I'm the boss, baby. I'm the best one in my story. I am getting main character energy, and I'm like, oh, this bitch just made her the boss. I love her. I was like, okay, there's a lot of things that I'm learning from my niece. Stop limiting yourself. Allow your creativity to run free, and don't be scared to be the fucking main character of your own fucking story. Yes. I want to inspire children. I don't want to diminish them. As a child, I felt like I was pushed down and pushed down and pushed down and pushed down, and I'm like, Fuck you. I'm not going to let little kids feel like that.
Kendle: Yeah.
Kelly: Don't be put in a box. Have all the superpowers that you want. You don't have to have one or two. Be creative. Share your stories, be listened to. I think that's a big thing, though, that is easy. I'm not a parent. I don't know how to judge as a parent. But from my perspective of things is parents ignore their children, period.
Kendle: They don't have time for them.
Kelly: They don't have time for them. There's a plethora of reasons why they're not talking and hanging out and being intentional with their children. They're distracted. They're on their phone, they're working. TV propaganda. That's an easy way to just have them. TV was my babysitter, so I get that. That's not healthy. You need to be interactive with your children. And it's effort. Right? It's effort. When you're tired, you're exhausted, you're feeling depressed, you're sick. And then still, giving to a child is hard. I can only imagine how hard it is to be a parent. So I get it. So fucking hard. No judgment. So hard. But you do. You have to be intentional with children. Like, when my niece sits at the dinner table, she's not looking at her phone. She needs to be engaged with everybody else. And I'm going to have conversations with her and talk to her. She's a part of this group. She doesn't need to just be glued to that phone. And that's how she develops, like, social skills, how she talks to people, especially older people, how she learns. She's very well mannered. My niece is amazing. She has good parenting. But it's still hard. Right? Sorry.
Kendle: Good parenting.
Kelly: Good parenting.
Kendle: I think when we talk about things like this, we can't apply good words, good and bad, because
Kelly: intentional parenting
Kendle: labeling.
Kelly: Right?
Kendle: Intentional parenting. Yeah.
Kelly: And she has a new baby sister. She's an infant. Of course attention is being taken away from her, and that's hard in itself. It gets all the attention from everyone all the time.
Kendle: Yeah. She's beautiful, though. She loves her baby sister. She helps take care of her baby sister. But also allowing her to get space alone, just undivided attention and telling her, you're doing a great job being a sister. I know that's probably hard, sharing all of the attention, but you are loved just letting her know. Yes, because she doesn't know that she's too young to process stuff like that. She just turned six.
Kendle: Okay.
Kelly: She understands it when you tell it to her because she's smart. Kids are smart, too.
Kendle: All kids are intelligent. Every being is intelligent.
Kelly: Oh, my gosh. I was reading her bedtime story, and I'm reading it and I'm pointing to the things in the picture, what these words mean. Just trying to help. This is the thing that helps protect the fish. Do you see that? It's all surrounded by her. This is what the words in this book mean by helping her understand in the pictures. And it got to a point where I was talking about a certain type of fish that was, like, on another fish, and I talked about what it was doing. It was, like, helping clean its gills. It was getting the dead skin, like, all of that stuff. And then a couple of pages later, it talks about those fish. And I was like, Baby girl, do you remember what these fish are? Do you remember what they do? And sure enough, she knew, because she's smart, she's six. You have to help them understand. And when you let them understand, they retain it. Children can teach us so much.
Kendle: They're so connected to the earth.
Kelly: Ya. And she's so happy and just loving and just kind, and she just loves people.
Kendle: Yeah. You know, the first seven years are so foundational. Like, those are our pillars. Our first seven years are pillars. And that's why all of our foundations are so rocky, because all those feathers and cracks and all those feathers and cracks are really white supremacy. It makes us put our children in daycare from the age of months.
Kelly: I know someone right now, I asked her. She said that she has two kids that are in daycare. I said, do you mind me asking how much that is?
Kendle: Oh, it's so expensive.
Kelly: $2,800. It is so much money. $700 a week. And she said and that's for a quote, unquote, like mid level daycare, like price point and what amenities are. Because obviously, if you can paint more, you have better child care. And if you don't, it's not as structured or as well educated as some of the top ones. Like, some of the top ones, they'd, like, teach your kids other languages when they're little, I'm assuming probably I don't know, I could be wrong, but the mid grade or maybe low grade of childcare is not getting that type of education on a regular basis. As little kids that are absorbing everything, $2800, I was like, Damn, I do pretty well for myself, and I don't think I could afford $2,800. And I'm responsible with money. How am I supposed to have kids?
Kendle: There's just so much responsibility, and we're conditioned to think that it fixes issues and solves problems, and it's having kids as the answer. And what we as women are here to do on this earth is to be at service to a man, have his babies, and then restrict our rights to an abortion. Kids, man and women are so conditioned. that shapes into us. And Lizzo, is
Kelly: about that shit, girl, I know you used to work at King Supers in Aurora.
Kendle: Oh, my God. I thought Aurora!
Kelly: that was my side of town too, girl.
Kendle: Come on. Our podcast. How fucking fun would that be? Teach everybody.
Kelly: Girl, I would love to hear your self love journey, because you a bad bitch, and now it is in you being you. Oh, and she does the same thing. She, like, brings up women and brings up other people.
Kendle: Yeah, bitch, I might be better.
Kelly: I'm like, oh, she brings it.
Kendle: Oh, I love her. Hi. I love you, Kelly.
Kelly: Okay. Those are the two things I wanted to share.
Kendle: Thank you for sharing all of that. That was magic.
Kelly: Yeah, that was good.
Kendle: It led us in so many places, and you're wearing the mini hand. And I love it.
Kelly: Yeah, I had to share those two things. That's what I was like. I don't really have a lot to talk about aside these two things. I was like, whoa. Yeah, that was a very enlightening week. Kendle: Yeah. I personally feel like I process a lot through you speaking about your week. So as I shared, and I'll have more informed thoughts when I've sat with this alone.
Kelly: Camping.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: What happened in camping? I know you want to share that what happened camping. Kendle: Oh, going camping. I'm going camping.
Kelly: Yeah.
Kendle: I'm fighting, doing things.
Kelly: Not the tarot card. It's the tarot reading.
Kendle: Oh, yes. We'll link her. She's magic.
Kelly: But you said it had to relate to camping.
Kendle: Yes. Yeah. I'm going to work. If I don't have plans back to that invitation. I need that invitation. I need plans. I need an invitation, too. Yes. And I think that might be a manifesting generator thing. Who knows? I'm very curious to know that.
Kelly: Can we ask Jaime that?
Kendle: Yes. And so I've been fighting, doing things that are good for me. Had these plans, go camping no hiking on Saturday and resisted them so hard all week, making excuses for not going. Yeah, whoo processing, right?
Kelly: You have so much to say.
Kendle: I do have a lot to say, and I've resisted that my whole life.
Kelly: Because girls man that box, right?
Kendle: And women don't speak up, and it's not even necessarily something that I was I think that oh, shit. Okay, download. White supremacy is body based, so it lives in our bodies. So it's language is subliminal. It is in how we watch the world. We don't begin speaking like a long time, like a two. We just sit and observe and to learn a language, the most effective way is to sit and observe and apply what's happening to what people are saying, and then we begin to speak. So white supremacy is like, in that it's in everything, right? So it's in that in its way. And that's how even if it's not being said, it hasn't been said. Because in our time of this life, this timeline of life, this timeline of life, we're living so many timelines. We all are so many beings. I don't live in time until I live in time.
Kelly: It's like me on vacation. I love it. That's what I love about vacation.
Kendle: Yeah. I don't have to really pay attention or care to it.
Kelly: Yes. That's vacation for me. Yeah. That's why I don't want to go on a schedule or go to a museum. I can do a vacation like that. I want to go on a vacation where I'm just chilling. I'm just on the beach, in the water, in the sand, in nature all the time and not worrying about anything but maybe what I want to eat later today. What an easy way to live.
Kendle: Yeah. Traveling such a privilege.
Kelly: It totally is.
Kendle: I'm having a hardcore privilege realization.
Kelly: Yeah. We travel a lot.
Kendle: Traveling is a privilege.
Kelly: Yeah. We go to Mexico a lot, and I like to talk to all the employees there. Not just, like, serve me, but I like to talk about them.
Kendle: Yeah. Engage with them.
Kelly: A lot of them don't travel. They've never left Mexico.
Kendle: Camping, I've been resisting. It a cozy corner, which is I will learn her one name one day. I probably won't. Ill link in the show notes. Tarotscopes links to that. But she said one day, or she said just something how important and it's going to be this month to a cozy corner. Everyone needs a chill spot, especially working for a capitalism all day, because they tell us not to be ourselves all day, so we have to come home and find a way to be ourselves.
Kelly: Are you on your period?
Kendle: So no, because I had bled early. I think I am, though, because I spotted, like, I had some blood and discharge a little bit, and I'm so connected to the moon. I feel like I'm always going through my period because I'm always feeling everyone going through their period, maybe. I don't know. I just feel like I'm never not like my hormones are very unregulated. And it just hit me today when I watched Elizabeth's. What was that thing called? Is it a live?
Kelly: Oh on instagram. Yeah.
Kendle: About the Tarot pulls. She does the Tarot pulls, and then she does the three card pulls.
Kelly: Yes. Okay. She has two of them. I listen to both of them every week. They're good. Kendle: Yeah.
Kelly: Once she pulls three cards and she'll say, what card is yours?
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: And then the other one, she'll do kind of like a weekly reading for the week. Beginning the week, middle of the week, end of the week. Yes.
Kendle: Oh, that's so cool. That is so cool.
Kelly: Yeah. That's why you guys should follow her. And yes. That's my favorite thing on her social media.
Kendle: Yeah. That makes me think about a conversation I was having how YouTube, the Internet in general, we don't know where anything is actually coming from, and so the intention that we are putting into it is, again, so important and how it's going that way. And then there's things are so unfiltered, like social media and YouTube and we don't know what the intention of that human unless you know them, is. The Internet is just so unvetted.
Kelly: And that's how conspiracy, right? It's like it used to be. Let us talk shit about everyone, so we just talk shit about whatever. We're talking shit about the people we don't want to interact with in some way.
Kendle: We have competition as we have fear with and now it's like all in other space with TV, it's Internet, it's YouTube, it's like all these things and all these messages and Fox News. This is controversial. I believe that Fox News is brainwashing
Kelly: 150%. Yeah. Oh, yeah, I watch it. I watch it because I'm very I don't know if it's the psychology behind it that I'm trying to figure out or what, but I will watch, especially during big kind of things that happen, that they are on all the news. What's the messaging that Fox News is giving? And what's the messaging of CNN? Not that CNN is better. It's still media, it's still political, and it's all a story that they want you to fucking hear. But I like to see the balance of what the messaging are like. And it's crazy. Some of the stuff that's said on Fox News and I'm like, what is this picture we're trying to paint? And why are we trying to paint it that way? I'm so confused. It's why are we not painting a better picture? Why are we making this a negative? And again, to circle back to our initial conversation about wanting to bond over bad and this is what's happening in that media so strongly, it's scary. I don't care about the political stuff that they're saying. I'm caring about the messaging and the purpose of why they're saying it. And you can take that same application to CNN and really see probably a better picture of what's actually happening. You can't go just off of the basis of those two things.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: Especially since you don't have first hand experience in any of it.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: It's the news. You're not living that.
Kendle: I love that you do that every time you talk about how you walk. Both sides of it. It inspires me and it's something that I want to be more intentional with. Maybe it's from a place of I know what I believe is right because inherently we've just been stuck in Republicans and Democrats for so long, and energy just evolves. So these names, you see how they tend to go back and forth in history, like how Republicans actually used to be the more community based thing, and then something shifted and it's just constant whatever. And it's that scale, right? Like work is just a scale and it can only get so heavy before this. And I'm going to switch that because I don't know. Oh, fucking shit.
Kelly: What?
Kendle: I think that is controversial and not fully formed though.
Kelly: Buzz you'll just got to download.
Kendle: White supremacy is so deeply enriched in Democrats. And they know that the only way they can do it is with money. That they actually don't do the shit that they need to do, that they can do, that they actually do have the power to do by outlawing such things as fucking super PACs and lobbyists. That was really angry. Lobbyists. Because they're getting it too. It's feeding both sides. It's that monster white supremacy.
Kelly: Take the concept that I'm pulling from the messaging of these two. They can be applied to Fox News and CNN, but Fox News has some extra level of shit on it.
Kendle: Oh, for sure it is. That's what I'm saying. With the scale.
Kelly: Yeah.
Kendle: Thank you for holding with me through that download, and thank you for circulating back. Exactly. Because it's that scale. So the other side of that is that this can only reach a certain level of destroying humanity. And that's what we're in right now. We've reached a certain level, and that's why all this is happening.
Kelly: And then you get people like us that are tired of it.
Kendle: Exactly. That's what I'm saying. That's why our community, what's happening, needs to change.
Kelly: Yes. And this is how we're going to do it.
Kendle: Exactly.
Kelly: And that is spreading love.
Kendle: Exactly.
Kelly: And that is having compassion, younger generations and having empathy and older generations, too.
Kendle: I think that I wonder what the root of that is. Who are the people that decide to run with love and who are the people that decide to not? And how do they get there? Because what is that root difference? Because that continues to be true. Because to me, and I know that this is a very privileged perspective, I have a really hard time understanding how anyone aside from a white person can support Donald Trump. And I know money is in there, and I know guns are in there, and I know religion is in there. Right? So they found targets to people's hearts. Abortion and gay rights, freedom of guns. Freedom and money and
Kelly: protection
Kendle: money. Taxes. I worked hard for this. And the capitalism conditions us to believe you've got to work hard to earn your life. The brainwashing has just gone. So it's like, I care about these material things more than I care about human life. That's what it has become. I care about my taxes, I care about my gun and I care about my Bible way more than living, breathing, existing, fucking human beings and animals and animals and the Earth. All of it. Everything except for those things that don't actually matter. Money, greed, ego.
The things that don't that make you happy and the things that don't really have a purpose in life.
Kelly: And they do have a purpose, though, right? Because we've made them have a purpose. Money is such a purpose. Money is so powerful. Which is why all of us are going to get as much money as we need to support what we want to support.
Kendle: We're manifesting that right.
Kelly: Say it again. Can you say it again? Say it again, girl. Love it. Say it with conviction, girl. Say it with your chest.
Kendle: I've hated money for a long time. I just see how evil it is.
Kelly: And now we're going to make it good, though. Making it good. Because money is energy. And if you want to do good with that energy, you can do good with it. You don't have to be conditioned to think money is bad even though it can cause evil. Especially if that's how the energy is being used. But guess what? If there's more good energy going into money, it's less bad evil energy going into money. And we can all live an abundant life full of happiness and everything our little hearts want. Because what my heart wants isn't what your heart wants. And that's okay because there's enough for anyone anyway.
Kendle: And we do have overlapping wants. Let's focus on that and share that and enjoy in that. And loving that. We all, at the end of the day, need somewhere that is warm and safe and nourishing to rest our head. Food and water. That is food and water.
Kelly: And shelter.
Kendle: Yes, shelter. Clean. Access to water that is potable, that is drinkable that I can cook with, clean with, eat with, do all the things with.
Kelly: Drink
Kendle: Drink. Food,
Kelly: nourishing food that's not chemicals. And destroying your mind. I felt like shit after eating all that candy with her. The next day I woke up super foggy. Could not read, could not articulate my words correctly. Like, I could just feel those chemicals raging. So healthy. Kendle: Nourishing, nourishing, nourishing.
Kelly: For people. Nourish, just soda and chips and processed and chemicals and chemicals and chemicals and chemicals. Especially in the United States, we have way more chemicals and chemicals that are banned in other countries that we're eating. Yes. Shelter, nourishing. Food, water. What else?
Kendle: Getting that app.
Kelly: Yuka.
Kendle: Nourishment.
Kelly: Right. So that's what we need.
Kendle: Nourishment. community and activities that nourish us. So that's what a lot of our community is missing in the States from my perspective. We're so boxed in, literally and metaphorically. Yeah, so we're so boxed in. We're so nuclear and our own thing and just trapped and here in our nuclear family because right, white supremacy doesn't want us to connect. The United States of America is headquarters of white supremacy. It traveled and then it found one of the next largest places of land that it could. Next to the Asian section of our world and the African section of our world and the South American section of our world
Kelly: discovery.
Kendle: Right. Anyway, it's headquarters and we're suddenly both here and so closed off and in these boxes, there's not community and the community, there is community. There's a lot of community.
Kelly: Yes, but we just need more of it. Accessible and healthy communities.
Kendle: Yes, things are free. Community, events that are free. So why not? That's the. Point of community. Community is freedom. We get freedom through our community.
Kelly: It's a human connection.
Kendle: And what are we connecting over? How we connect over what's happening above? Because it's affecting us all. A lot of previous civilizations build things to honor the moon and honor the sun. And they tracked and they knew. So rooted through the whole entire thing why white supremacy has made us come just to Earth. And we even ate the sun and the moon in our own ways. There's things it's kept us so trapped. We're all boxed. We're all so boxed. And I know that that word is activating. I know that that word creates defenses and makes us think things and it has to be talked about. It's in everything. It's in literally everything.
Because it looks different. It looks different everywhere it is. However, it has its similar things. From my knowledge, there is a desirability to have lighter skin. Not if everywhere there's skin, lightening things. Because when you from what I know about a root of that thought is that the darker you are, the more time you spend in the sun, which means that you are working in the field or you are doing something that requires you to be outside and that requires you to do labor.
Kelly: And it's been seen as a status of privilege because seeing those people in those fields, for whatever reason, they are less than.
Kendle: Yes
Kelly: if it wasn't for them, you wouldn't be eating.
Kendle: Yes, yes, exactly. Or you wouldn't be able to get your wisdom teeth out. People were so rude to my mom. She dealt with so much shit. Because the health system and everything and there's just no love because money is involved. And that's how it keeps us down and that's how it keeps us trapped in this earth because it has control of money to what we undo. We're going to go in sideways and create our own. We don't need it. We don't need it.
Kelly: Well, we need it right now.
Kendle: We need it right now.
Kelly: We need it right now so we can make change. So when we talk about it, we can use our money to make change.
Kendle: Yes. I'm going to run it back. I think sometimes when I think about things, I talk about things like this. I'm so aquarian that I'm already there and there's so many things that have to happen before we can get to there.
Kelly: That was simple though. I don't understand.
Kendle: Like, what if it just was? What if everything we could just let it be and it was just free? Kelly: I probably wouldn't need guns.
Kendle: No, we would not need to be extracting the Earth for our own.
Kely: I wouldn't have to live with that much fear. But I felt like I needed a gun.
Kendle: Oh shit. People need to travel.
Kelly: I know. We talk about it. How do we do that?
Kendle: Virtually.
Kelly: instead of going to kids and like giving them shit, let's get some kids and bring them. Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: Instead of spreading it out and bring it to that white saviorism, to all these places. Let's bring them so they can see the world and expose them to beautiful things like breath work, like meditation. Bring in.
Kendle: Oh, man. If breath was just like, accessible to all beings.
Kelly: Yeah.
Kendle: So foundational seven pillars. Instead of spreading a religion, let's go and spread well, spirituality. Spirituality meaning because I think that word has also been appropriated, doesn't mean to be spiritual. And I think that is different for everyone.
Kendle: Thank you for holding space for this conversation. We hope it was expansive. As a new podcast, it would mean the world if you could please help us grow our community by leaving a review and sharing this episode.
Kelly: Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the juicy conversations. We would love to connect with you. So follow us on TikTok Instagram and our patreon. Coming soon.
So I was peeing up there, and sometimes when I pee, I fart. I can't help it because I'm in that position and it just comes the fuck out. I mean, they're not quiet. Those kinds of parts are loud because they're echoing in the toilet. He was in his room. His chill spot, right? Everyone needs a chill spot.