No Offense, And
Welcome to No Offense, And — a loving and nourishing space created to fuel conversations around personal and collective liberation. Join Denver-based, Aquarius Suns, Manifesting Generators, works-in-progress, and practical strangers Kelly and Kendle on their journeys towards their higher selves as they have conversations with incredible guests and each other around self-love and how we can rise up together to rebuild our world in the Age of Aquarius.
We aim to empower, encourage, expand, and elevate you with each episode as we dive deep into vulnerable, intentional, and heart-based conversations. We are committed to leaving our world better than we found it and promise to listen, to change, to take responsibility for our actions, words, and privileges, and to learn from our mistakes. We know when we collectively fight against toxic conditioning, by consciously choosing to love and build each other up, the world will become a more accepting, nourishing and loving space that will serve everyone so take no offense, and please listen up.
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We acknowledge we are operating on the occupied land of the Ute, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne peoples colonized as Denver - we pay our respects to those past, present, and future. We also acknowledge this statement is not enough and are committed to giving a portion of our proceeds to the people whose land we occupy and are in the process of getting a true land reverence.
Introduction music: Abstract Design by ComaStudio
Outro Music: Mesmerizing by Gvidon
Trailer Music: Summer Hip-Hop Groove
No Offense, And
Have You Heard about the Oppressive History of Abortion Control?
Activation warning: the following topics are mentioned and/or discussed: abortion, racism, white supremacy, non-consensual sterilization, and religious persecution.
Did you know when we speak about Roe v. Wade we aren’t actually speaking about abortion?
In this episode, we learn about the backstory of Roe v. Wade and how its roots, like everything else, can be found in white supremacy. We process, we grieve, we generate hope and find support from Mother Earth.
We also talk about:
- What the year 2022 is about energetically
- Age of Aquarius
- Ronald Regan
- The Religious Right
- How white supremacy is a virus
- Energy can neither be created nor destroyed
A portion of the proceeds from this episode will go to organizations womxn’s health / abortion care.
For additional support please reach out to Kendle via mustard shower evolution
Healing Your Thousand Year Old Trauma by Resmaa Menakem (medieval Europe)
Untamed by Glennon Doyle
We Can Do Hard Things Podcast by Glennon Doyle - Abortion: Family Meeting on Four Things to Do Next
Abortion in the Middle East and North Africa by PRB
The Fall of 'Roe' Was Driven by Our Country's Original Sin: Anti-Blackness by Renee Bracey Sherman & Tracy Weitz
For Decades, We've Helped Open Abortion Access, Here's Where We'll Go Post-'Roe' by National Network of Abortion Funds & Abortion Care Network
Aycee Brown - 2022 foundational year
Planned Parenthood
Cobalt Abortion Fund
Find the full episode transcription here
Suicide Prevention Lifeline: call 988 to be connected with a trained professional
Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741 to connect with a crisis counselor
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Email: nooffenseand@gmail.com
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We are operating on the occupied land of the Ute, Arapahoe, and Cheyenne peoples colonized as Denver - we pay our respects to those past, present, and future.
Kendle: Hey y'all. You're listening to no Offense and a loving and nourishing space created to fuel conversations around personal and collective liberation. We're Kelly Kendle, having vulnerable and intentional conversations full of humor, empathy and of course, love.
Kelly: Honestly, these episodes are just our opinions. So take no offense and we invite you to explore yourself through our words. Help grow our community by leaving a review and most importantly, sharing. Now, let's get into some self loving before we dive into this episode.
Kendle: A little heads up. There is the occasional background noise. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and for being here with us on this journey.
Kendle: Before we start this episode, we wanted to acknowledge that this episode is going to be jarring. It is going to be activating. And it is quite the rollercoaster Kelly and I are processing a lot during this episode and there are many tangents and just emotions. And due to the nature of this episode, we thought that this would be a beneficial time to offer additional tools. I'm curious, are you breathing right now? I’m breathing right now and I would love to breathe with you! I am Kendle, the owner of mustard shower evolution. A business aimed at providing intuitive support for all beings. I have offers for reiki infused conscious breathwork, reiki itself, and intuitively guided energy movements. I definitely needed a lot of grounding and breathing after recording this episode so if this is something that is calling to you or could feel aligned for you, the website is linked in the shownotes below. You can find mustard shower evolution via google and also on my instagram. I would be honored to hold space for you. And before we dive into the episode, I want to hold space right now. I want to invite everyone to begin becoming aware of their breath, taking a few deep breaths, checking in, asking your body, your heart what you could use right now that could feel supportive. If it's a glass of water, a cup of tea. If it's listening to this episode with a friend. If it's pausing this episode and coming back to it. Whatever is most supportive for you, I invite you to create space for that throughout this hour we are together. As I said earlier, this episode is a rollercoaster, there's a lot of emotions, so I invite you to strap in, give yourself some love, and let's get to it. Much love y’all!
Kelly: So, going into this conversation, I'm excited for it to be obviously educational and obviously a very, very serious thing that we're talking about, but at least now I feel like inside, when I'm talking about it, it's coming from more of that place of love and purpose.
Kendle: Yeah, I'm going to feed on that a little bit.
Kelly: Good. I'm glad.
Kendle: Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, speaking about Elizabeth, last night, we had breathwork and tarot and as I mentioned in our catch up call, it was a the five of swords that she pulled for me and it was very much like a call to action. If you want to burn it down, burn it down. Now is the time. And the imagery of it was a tiger going for roses. And I love that because it's a love deck and I want to do it from a place of love.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: The government, our structure, all of it needs to be burned to the ground. And that sounds violent and it sounds aggressive. It's like, how do we burn it down with love? And how do we rebuild it with love? And how do we rebuild it with an image of everyone, not just white men with power.
Kelly: Well, build it to be a more beautiful place
Kendle: yes. Yeah. a more loving place.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: A place where everyone has a place. A place where we don't need amendments to give people rights to certain things. And I think that's what we've been talking about is very jarring about all of this, is that it's not simply abortion rights have been taken from many people. It is that this set the precedent. It was a foundation for so many other rights, for queer marriage, for contraception. And when the foundation is broken, as ours is something that is a fake foundation, such as Roe v. Wade, it had to fall. And that's what Elizabeth and I were talking about. This is all a part of it. And it's that bigger picture. We've had such a timeline of events. I can go back further than this. Starting in 2012, starting in 2008, barack Obama first black man, first non white man to get elected to be President of the United States. 2012 Black Lives Matter movement begins. 2016. That pendulum had swung so far left, we had a black man in the White House. And here it is swinging back in response to that. Donald Trump in the White House, the religious right. And we're going to circle back to that name religious right response. We have Donald Trump. We have the MeToo movement. We have COVID. We have all of the uprisings that have been in correlation with Cobid. And here we are today. I have many thoughts about all of this and trying to hold on to that bigger picture, which we have said in our previous discussion about our emotions, about how charged that is for people who are going to suffer in the interim. And I think that I have to hold on to the bigger picture, because if I get stuck in that, I can't do what I'm meant to do. I can't burn it down. And it's all just very fascinating. Because when I can be at that bigger picture, like being able to see the dots all connecting, because when we speak about Roe v. Wade, we don't actually speak about abortion. We're speaking about racism. We're speaking about white supremacy. And that's the intention of this podcast today, is to share knowledge about Roe v. Wade, to share the experience of gaining that knowledge through the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and to share the bigger picture. And to share hope. Curate hope. I hope. Oh, my gosh. The protest. It was raining.
Kelly: It was? how beautiful.
Kendle: And it was sunny, so it was a mustard shower.
Kelly: Hi, business.
Kendle: I know.
Kelly: If y'all could see my face right now through the podcast.
Kendle: Go to YouTube. Just kidding. But for real.
Kelly: Oh, my God. The universe is not speaking.
Kendle: And then there was a double rainbow, and it was the most vivid rainbow. And I was like, Mother Earth is crying with us, and she's giving us hope. And it was the Friday before the Weekend of pride. June is always pride. However, that weekend is pride. It was just so encouraging because Roe v. Wade had to fall. Our foundation is so broken, and
Kelly: it didn't even start off strong.
Kendle: Exactly. And that's the thing. And we're in this year of 2022, six lovers year in the world of Tarot, and it's all about foundations, and it's all about choices, and it's all about nourishing our own gardens and finding beauty and not allowing this energy, this negativity, to deter us anymore. And when we're looking at our foundations and I learned this from Aycee Brown, she is into numerology and human design. And she talks about how our foundations are held up by pillars. And our pillars are family, money, joy, career, so many things. And if we take that and apply it to the foundation of the United States the United States of America is land that was stolen and built by people who were stolen from their land. That is a rocky ass foundation, faulty cracky if I have ever heard of one. There's such a basis of disrespect, disregard, hatred, oppression, power, greed
Kelly: especially from when the community that they took it from was nothing but love and sharing and helping and communities like such loving people that they took this from.
Kendle: Yes. And I want to apply that sentiment to the people that were then stolen from their land to build it.
We've had this battle for a very long time of civil rights. A very, very long time, hundreds of years, and we get these little glimmers of hope. Roe v. Wade was one of them. Me, as a white bodied woman with a lot of privilege, had never taken a step back and looked at where Roe v. Wade actually came from. I mean, it's just always been a part of my life. I'm 28 years old. I have for most of my life, excluding Virginia, lived in states where my rights would be honored as a woman. My bodily autonomy, so coming from that angle of privilege, hadn't yet dissected this. And I knew some history about antiabortion side, anti choice. And I have now learned, which retrospectively, is not shocking, because this is true for all things. Pro choice is also actually rooted in racism and white supremacy and depression. And it feels very jarring for it to be taken
Kelly: 100%.
Kendle: I don't want to disregard that. However, it has to be just like Covid had to be. Just like the Black Lives Matter had to be. Just like the Me Too movement had to be. It is a part of the series of events that is trying to wake our collective the fuck up, especially fucking white women, white people. So we'll backtrack a little bit.
Kelly: That's okay.
Kendle: We're going to get some history, which his story !! ah words.
Kelly: Man oh, gosh, kendall's fired up. I like it. I like it. Very glad. That's why I was like, Girl, take the lead. Because I know it's going to be exactly what it needs to be right now. So thank you.
Kendle: Yeah, absolutely.
Kelly: And I'm excited to learn. I'm excited for this little educational piece that you've dived into and yeah, teach me, girl. I'm wanting to open up my thoughts and perspectives on things. Kendle: Yeah, receive that and appreciate it. And I do want to pause for a moment. Again, this material is jarring. It is emotionally activating, it is charged. So I do invite anyone listening, watching, engaging with us to pause when they need to, to take deep breaths, to drink water, to write a note that says breathe in, breathe out, and put it where you can see it. To just try to have awareness around our breasts because our bodies are really hurting and they're tired and they're exhausted, and we've been taught to hate them.
Kelly: Can we just do a little Palosanto? Today is a weird day for us. We talk about the new moon and periods and everything that's just been happening right now in our dreams. But we did not acknowledge the native people.
Kendle: I know. When you said, let's burn Palo Santo. I was like, yes. And let's acknowledge the indigenous peoples whose land we are recording on.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: And whose land all of our listeners are listening on.
Kelly: Yes. Gratitude and thanks right now.
Kendle: Yeah, man, acknowledgement is everything.
Kelly: And the Palo Santo? Just so good. And now the smell of it, it is addicting. It's reviving. It's like Im drunk.
Kendle: I love it.
Kelly: Plus, it just kind of gets the sensory things and smell and just, like, make sure you just feel your body just vibrate. Oh, when you smell it.
Kendle: Absolutely. Mine does. Very grounding and very much connects us. And it clears some energy. And I do also want to say using it in a conscious capacity is very important. Buying from people who are replanting what they are taking from the land. Reciprocity, re words. I love them. They're so Age of Aquarius. And so is this. And that's the thing. It's like, that's where I hope that we can cultivate, again, hope this is all a part of the bigger picture. And it's hard. Yes. And heartbreaking because of the individuals that are suffering. And it sucks that we had to get to this place for humanity to realize that we are all a part of the same system and we are all interconnected and that our energy affects other people's energy. Here we are, though.
Kelly: Yeah. Let's turn something positive from all that suffering.
Kendle: Exactly. And let's find some stuff about Roe v. Wade, abortion in general. So, from a website called PRB, and everything that I'm referencing will be linked in the show notes, it says abortion is one of the oldest medical practices. Evidence states back to ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. There are medical practices found documented in Egypt about how to do abortions, even the part of medieval Europe, and that is how it became disseminated across the globe. It is one of the oldest medical practices.
Kelly: Interesting. Especially coming from that specific place. Because. I mean.
Kendle: Side note. And I will link this article because I think it's relevant. There is so much suffering in medieval Europe. And because of that suffering. What has now been projected onto the indigenous people. Onto the people who were stolen from the land we call Africa. Taking responsibility for our actions. For our energies. For our pains and our traumas. That's why this podcast is here.
Kelly: Yeah. Oh, my goodness. I knew I was going to learn a lot today.
Kendle: Yeah. I learned so much in researching predominantly what we will get to in a moment about pro choice also being rooted in white supremacy. I'm going to read from Glennon Doyle's book, Untamed.
Kelly: Such a good book.
Kendle: A great book.
Kelly: Such a good book.
Kendle: Yeah. Read this initially, at the beginning of the pandemic, maybe Midway. What even is Midway? We're still in it, right? So Glennon had moved somewhere with her then husband, and they were going to church. She then had a meeting with the preacher afterwards to ask him why he presented the information that he presented, essentially. And she says, “Right after that preacher told me to quit thinking, I began thinking harder. I did my research. Turns out the memo he was trying to pass me, a good Christian bases her faith on disapproving of gays and abortion started being issued only 40 years ago, in the 1970s. A few rich, powerful, white parentheses, outwardly straight men got worried about losing their right to continue racially segregating their private Christian schools and maintaining their tax exempt status. Those men began to feel their money and power being threatened by the civil rights movement. In order to regain control, they needed to identify an issue that would be emotional and galvanizing enough to unite and politically activate their evangelical followers for the first time. They decided to focus on abortion before then. A full six years after the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, the prevailing evangelical position was that life began with the baby's first breath at birth. Most evangelical leaders had been indifferent to the court's decision in Roe, and some were cited as supporting the ruling. Not anymore. They wrote a new memo using freshly feigned outrage and rhetoric, calling for, quote, a holy war to lead the nation back to the moral stance that made America great.”
Kelly: I just threw it in my mouth a little bit.
Kendle: I'm going to invite everyone to take a deep breath. ‘They sponsored a meeting of 150 pastors called the Religious Roundtable to train pastors on how to convince their congregations to vote for anti choice, antigay candidates. This is how they disseminated the memo down to evangelical ministers, who passed it down to pews across america. The memo read, to be aligned with Jesus, to have family values, to be moral, one must be against abortion and gay people and vote for the candidates that is antiabortion and antigay.” Deep breath, y'all. I want to read that again. “To be aligned with Jesus, to have family values to be moral, one must be against abortion and gay people and vote for the candidate that is antiabortion and antigay.” Previous to this, didn't give a single shit. That's my own words, not Glennon's. “Presidential candidate Ronald Reagan, who as a governor of California has signed into law one of the most liberal abortion laws in the country, began using the language from the new memo. Evangelicals threw their weight behind him and voted in a block for the first time to elect President Reagan. The religious right was born. The face of the movement was the, quote, prolife and pro family values stance of millions. But the blood running through the movement's veins was the racism and greed of a few. That is how white evangelicals became the most powerful and influential voting bloc in the United States and the fuel of the American white supremacy engine.”
Ronald Reagan was the original Make America Great again. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Energy that we don't deal with, that gets pushed down, that gets ignored. It's just faster, it evolves to meet the time. Ronald Reagan was the original. Make America Great again. And here we are feeling the effects of that.
Kelly: At least now it's coming in a time of like, this generation.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: Because history does not always have to repeat itself. It's repeating itself now and it will continue to repeat itself unless someone breaks that cycle.
Kendle: Yeah. And that's what our generation is. That's what the Age of Aquarius is. Cycle breakers. And it's exhausting.
Kelly: It's exhausting. But at the same time, I'm kind of talking about the warriors, right?
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: It kind of lights me up a little bit on the inside.
Kendle: I am so full of energy right now. Is it from a place of anger, from rage, from the hypocrisy of it all? Absolutely. I also feel speaking of energy can either be created or destroyed. It is the energy that has been around this fight for this movement for so long. And to be able to channel that, to tap into that, we are not alone. And I think that's why I feel so capable of doing this podcast, because previously this is terrifying to know that I'm not just speaking, I am channeling. We are channeling. It's enlivening.
Kelly: Yeah, you are reading that. Like I said, I've read that book and he read it and I'm like, why did I not remember reading that part? So impactful. And you reading it just like I just feel this little burn inside. Is it anger? It's sadness, but it's just like this charge of like I want to launch this podcast ASAP. I know we have so much that we just need to get out there into the universe and as quickly as possible.
Kendle: I feel you. I'm fired up
Kelly: Like, thank you. Let's just give a little thanks to the universe because again, what I've been saying this entire time, all the conversations we have around this topic is I don't want to dwell on what's happened. I only want to take this turn into something positive and move forward and create something better with it. Because it was not for fuel, it wasn't serving us anyway. And why would we even want to go back to what that was? We're just jumping back 50 years. Let's take this right now and build something beautiful and something that is going to enrich the lives of everyone because we are all created equal.
Kendle: Yeah. Yes, those words are true. They are just untrue in terms of our constitution, because of who they were written by. Of course they are a lie in how they are written. And that's the problem. Our foundation is all built upon lies. I mean, Roe v. Wade's still like this whole topic is just like it's all control, it is all control, it's all power, it is all of the sentiment of scarcity, of lack, of there cannot be enough for you because that means there's not enough for me, of greed, of competition, of hierarchical ways of thinking. And we need to burn it to the ground so that we can rebuild it with that truth. Of all beings are created equal, even written, all men are created equal.
Kelly: Of course. But it's true. There's enough for everybody if we just come together and work with each other.
Kendle: The reallocation of resources, it works together as a collective whole. There is enough for everyone to thrive.
Kelly: Absolutely.
Kendle: There is no reason for there to be this amount of people thriving and this amount of people suffering.
Kelly: Agreed.
Kendle: Going back to your point of feeling so just ready to fight, what is so clear is that we have been fighting each other when in actuality, we need to pivot and we need to fight the living, breathing entity virus that we have called white supremacy, it is the poison, it is what has infected all of us. It is incredibly intelligent. It is this thing that exists to keep us down, to cause the division. And it has infiltrated itself into everything and it actually doesn't serve anyone, even the people that it is quote unquote, serving, because it keeps all of us so disconnected from each other, from our hearts, from our souls, from our intuition, from what it is to be human, from Mother Earth. Lots unpacked there. And that's a whole other episode, probably many episodes, as is energy. These are all things we're going to circle back to. And a couple of deep breaths and I will continue telling the research about this.
Kelly: Thank you for keeping us on track, Kenny. There's so many tangents here.
Kendle: It's emotionally charged.
Kelly: We're just passionate about what's the best for everyone.
Kendle: Yes. The bigger picture. And wanting to connect all those dots, because I think that's the most important thing here. And as you've said, we want to pivot towards, okay, this has happened. How do we build a better future? How do we do better? How do we learn mistakes?
Kelly: Exactly.
Kendle: From all of it.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: Yes. So I found this amazing news article. I actually mean website. It's called rewire news group. And they have an article which, again, will be linked, that talks about how the movement is actually rooted in anti blackness.
Kelly: Can we also I just want to put this into the universe. Can this be one of our Glennon Doyle Be one of our dream guests
Kendle: oh, absolutely. I appreciate that.
Kelly: If you're hearing this or someone knows you that's hearing this pass along, we would love to talk with you. I would just love to sit and listen.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: To putting that in the universe.
Kendle: Yes. Thank you. Okay. So they say that the modern antiabortion movement was conceived in resentment at the Supreme Court for desegregation of schools in 1954 and exacerbated by the elimination of Christian prayer in schools in 1962 and integration of public schools via busing in 1971. So similar to what Glennon says. And then they say, and the pro choice side also has its roots in racism. What a pause there, because that definitely kind of shook you yesterday. Yeah, it's a hard pill to swallow. It's not surprising, retrospectively, that you feel so distraught by Roe v. Wade being overturned and to have that complete flip and emotion when I read that, it's just a restructuring of thought. It's a pivoting. And I'm grateful to know this. So this is some paraphrasing. Again, the article will be linked. Says black and brown women excuse me. Enslaved women were experimented on when modern gynecology was born, as reproduction was the only legal means of obtaining new people to enslave the law.
Kelly: Oh, hang on. I need to yeah. That's disgusting. This is why we talk about human rights. Because if you can hear that and not think that this has to do with someone's, human's rights is crazy because no human should not be experimented on.
Kendle: No living, breathing being deserves experimentation.
Kelly: Yeah, okay, keep going. Sorry.
Kendle: No, don't say sorry.
Kelly: That one triggered me.
Kendle: Yes. I appreciate you for asking us to pause. This is all very activating. And again, people who are listening, I just want to invite you to pause whenever and come back to this, to breathe, to take care of yourselves. Drink water, hug a pillow, hug a friend. Go put your feet in the ground.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: Do what you feel called to do. We're here for you. We love you.
Kelly: Yeah. There's so much here.
Kendle: The law and white women did not concern themselves with the reproductive freedoms and bodily autonomy of black and brown women, leading to a controlled form of abortion access known as Roe v. Wade.
Pro choice advocates distinguished themselves from the radical advocates, activists who wanted abortion, quote, on demand and without apology, in full decriminalization. Prochoice did not seek radical transformation. It sought to become part of the power, creating new political messaging and frameworks for understanding when, where, and how pregnancy should happen and which are deemed worthy of protection.
Kelly: Deemed worthy of protection? What does that even mean? What deems you worthy of protection?
Kendle: My opinion? Being human.
Kelly: Your skin color?
Kendle: Yes. That's what they are getting at. They are getting at, again, people of privilege, people who will be believed for their story. It says in this article, I don't have it written about how what black women, brown women, had been fighting for years, about the experimentation, the nonconsensual sterilization, all of the things that happen to them.
It wasn't until white lawyers and doctors I'm saying white because that's just an assumption I'm making. It wasn't until lawyers and doctors, people who have physicians that are, quote, unquote respected and have power stepped in and said, there needs to be something here. And they did so in a way that was controlling. There was a large fear at the time of the global minority taking over as a population,
which is funny because it's fucking not, like,
Kelly: Im smiling, because you're, like, triggering me. I just want to argue about it so much right now
Kendle: Laughter is a trauma response, and I want to acknowledge that. And I know sometimes it can feel unempathetic.
and I want to argue about it because it's like, when have white people ever been the majority? Have white people ever been the majority? I'm not going to quote myself on this whatsoever. Asia is a lot bigger than Europe.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: And the southern hemisphere is Africa. Africa is bigger than all of it.
Kelly: Yes. You can fit so much inside of Africa. It's just that our maps are drawn in a way that makes it look smaller because everything is subliminal. White supremacy operates in a subliminal capacity.
Kelly: I watched a Bill mind the Science Guy thing about the map. I was like, what, the s? No, the Science Guy. Thank you for educating me, sir, and giving me the true perspective of size for all of these countries and what the Earth actually looks like based off of these borders that we've put around everything. Sorry, I keep going. That was really triggering. That's why I was smiling.
Kendle: Yes, it is triggering. It is. It's very activating. It is very charged with emotion because, again, all of it is a lie.
Kelly: And it's like, Why does it matter if there's not more white people than other people? Because it's such fear. I just don't understand. It's so confusing to me.
Kendle: It is. It absolutely is. And it just makes me sad. It makes me so sad to think of how little self love there is
Kelly: like skin color is only based on the region that you've grown up culturally through all of these years is because the melanin of your skin has to change as you get closer and closer to the equator. They just don't understand why it matters.
Kendle: Yeah. Yes. And this is another tangent, and we will definitely talk about this. It began one of the first stories of Genesis.
Kelly: Yeah, we got to talk about that later.
Kendle: Yeah. Caine and Abel. Stay tuned for an episode about Cain and Abel. Shout out to the book ishmael
Kelly: sorry. Keep going.
Kendle: Oh, God, please stop saying sorry.
Kelly: I know, I apologize. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Kendle: I'm sorry to say I'm sorry.
Kelly: I'm trying. I know we're tanging and then we should no,
Kendle: I think that it's all intertwined and I hope that everyone that is listening is here for it and it is what it is.
Kelly: You know what? Just like the Tarot card said, even if you're not for it, I'm just going to keep doing me.
Kendle: Yes.
Kelly: That is all I can stand by. These are my thoughts and my opinions. And if you don't like it, that's okay because they're my thoughts and they're my opinions.
Kendle: Exactly. That is all about choice.
Kelly: It's just hopefully you take something from what I'm saying and just at least make a thought of it, just process it. We'll talk about this in a second. But I always try and go from both sides. I want to hear what CNN is saying. I want to hear what Fox News is saying. I want to hear both sides so I can have a better understanding and formulate my own educated opinions on everything that's being told to me. Because it's a lot to process, a lot of the information that comes to you. So hopefully you can just use this and use your own brain and think about it. Hopefully inspire some bigger thoughts than what you're currently thinking. Kendle: Yeah, 100%. Yeah.
Kelly: Sorry. Kenny just looked at me crazy?
Kendle: I didn't look at you crazy. I looked at you like please stop saying sorry. I know you're having emotional responses to this. As is very natural. This is very emotional because it is charged with hundreds of years hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years of white supremacy.
Kelly: That's the impression, being a non white person living in this white space. I just navigate the world differently and I just see it from a different perspective. So it's different from you? It's different for me, but the overall thought, I think, is the same, which is so crazy.
Kendle: A different perspective. That's all we want for the world. A different perspective. Exposure
Kelly: education.
Kendle: Yeah. Just conversations that are more about what's important. The truth versus propaganda versus power versus greed.
Kelly: What is it to be a human and hearing people's perspectives that are experiencing this? I get that other people don't experience the same experiences as me, but at. Least you can just have the compassion and empathy enough to listen to someone else's story and say, see, maybe what is going on right now is not great for everybody, and it's okay that everyone can have that same security and safety and rights and also to admit that I they whoever is and was wrong.
Kendle: It was all about power. The clergy, the religious roundtable coming together because they were threatened by the desegregation of schools to create what is meant to be propaganda brainwashing, to get people to rally behind things that they previously didn't give a shit about. Maybe some people gave some shits, but not enough shits to give this much of a shit. And here we are it's again, that pendulum. This energy is not going anywhere. It keeps moving, and we keep getting more and more because the energy just keeps building.
Kelly: And it's enough is enough is enough. It gets to that point.
Kendle: Cut the pendulum. Acknowledge the energy. Sage the energy. Pay some reparations. Just let us rebuild.
Kendle: Yes, exactly. I cut you off. I just wanted to acknowledge that.
Kelly: Oh, I don't no.
Kendle: Got lost in the passion.
Kelly: Yes, we are lost in the passion.
Kendle: Yeah. There was a quote that I do want to give from that same news article. Yeah. Rub some rose quartz on your heart space. I love that. The desire to control black bodies and black liberation is a function of white supremacy, and it permeates every strategy and goal, even for, well meaning, reproductive freedom advocates, and I would say potentially other freedom advocates as well, because again, roe v. Wade has been a foundation, and we have built other rights on top of that. The issue though, lies below the surface. The issue is the roots. And all of the soil is poisoned with white supremacy. All of the pillars, the foundational pillars are cracked and severed with white supremacy. Everything is sick. Everything is wrong. The system never worked because the system was only created to benefit a very select few. And even they didn't love the concepts that were being created. Thomas Jefferson believed that the constitution needed to be revisited every I think it was 20 years. We have never really revisited it. We've just added amendments. This is going to be another episode. I do just need to talk about the constitution. Energy is in every single word. Every word that I'm saying is energy. Every word that is written is energy. That constitution was very powerful energy. It was curated from the liberation of this group of people from england. There's a lot behind that. There's a lot of intention behind that. And then if we dissect who wrote it, these white men who all had power, who all wore white wigs, because aging is a privilege and aging does create wisdom and should definitely be revered. Side note, a lot of them owned other people. They held ownership over other bodies. And the despicable things that came with that. All of that energy is converging together, writing these words, all the signatures, all the quote, John Hancocks. And we have lived upon that. We have just continued to compound that energy. It is what is wrong. Our entire government, our entire way of existence, our entire United States of America is a lie, is rooted in white supremacy.
Kelly: Divided states of America.
Kendle: The Divided States of America.
Kelly: Yes.
Kendle: And of course it's divided because it doesn't actually serve anyone, even the people it is meant to serve. How can we, as white people be okay when there is so much of humanity suffering and lacking in common decency, love, respect, care, compassion, empathy, and fucking human rights. Water, shelter, food, education, health care. Abortion is health care. Kelly: Yeah. People need to travel more,
Kendle: and that's even limiting.
Kelly: I know it is. But the United States are so many people in the United States that just never get outside of even their own state sometimes. And to see such a small perspective of the world, like there are so many things happening outside of your bubble, and it impacts everybody in some way. There's a triple effect to everybody. Even if you don't think it's actually affecting you.
Kendle: Yeah. Yes, exactly. Because it's that energy. We are all collectively feeding into this energy. Think of it as an ocean. Think of it as a bathtub. Think of it as sand. Whatever it is, we're all flowing together. And my actions affect other people. The way I present myself in my everyday, the way I treat other people, the way I treat myself affects other people. That energy is all shared. It is a shared resource. And it is so infected with so much hatred. White supremacy teaches all of us to hate ourselves so deeply. And of course, there's a spectrum within that. And it has to change. It has to be burned to the fucking ground. And that's what this is a part of. That's what Roe v. Wade is a part of. It is a part of the process of burning this to the ground. Glennon Doyle has a podcast, and we can do hard things. A friend sent it to me. Thank you, Danielle. And I listened to it after I prepared for this. And similar sentiments about how Roe v. Wade was a roof and we didn't pay attention to the walls. And the walls are gerrymandering. The walls are voter restrictions of, like, meeting IDs and such things. And it's a great educational piece that we will link. I hope that we can, again, bigger picture, see how all of these things are correlated and see how this is really a time for us all to pivot and to come together to fight white supremacy, oppression, racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, all of it. None of it's real. All of them are constructs. All of it is a construct. What is real? Love. ELE - everyone love everyone.
Kelly: I was like, what's that acronym
Kendle: shout out to Sam dear friend. She had tattooed on her in her lips, everyone. Love everyone. Yeah, this is a lot. This was heavy and important and vital. I'm just curious if you have any final thoughts there's, anything you want to circle back to.
Kelly: Yeah, I don't know. I feel like there's a couple of things that I could say. I don't know if it really adds. I think that was such a beautiful place to just kind of end because that was a lot. Yeah. I did not expect it to go there, so it just, I mean, organically, right? It kind of led where it needed to go, but yeah. I really appreciate having this conversation and learning and thank you for sharing all of those things. And it's a a lot to digest, so I just want to digest for a second.
Kendle: It is a lot to digest.
Kelly: We can do something we should go outside and walk Cali for a second.
Kendle: Yeah. And I invite everyone to do the same if they can do something that brings love, brings comfort, is nourishing. We just want to nourish everybody. And there will, of course, be a self Love Monday in correlation to this episode. All of them, I feel somewhere in correlation to this episode. This episode feels very foundational for what we're doing here.
Kelly: Yes. And it will definitely segue into the topic about birth control.
Kendle: Yes, birth control topic. Coming soon. Yes. So many topics. Coming soon. Yay ELE.
Kendle: Thank you for holding space for this conversation. We hope it was expansive. As a new podcast, it would mean the world if you could please help us grow our community by leaving a review and sharing this episode.
Kelly: Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the gym conversations. We would love to connect with you, so follow us on Tik tok Instagram and our patreon. Coming soon.