No Offense, And

How to Tap into Psychic Abilities While Healing Trauma and Overcoming Addiction with Elizabeth Marie

Kelly and Kendle Season 1 Episode 1

Activation warning: the following topics are mentioned and/or discussed: sexual and physical abuse, pedophiles, addiction, suicide, and sex trafficking. 

 Are you ready for your world to be rocked? Elizabeth Marie is just the person to do it 

Elizabeth Marie is the owner and creator of Cosmic Tea. She is a multi-clair seer and reader. She has dedicated herself to her purpose of being a diverse psychic in Denver. She channels her spirit guides, messenger guides, and the spirit guides  of who she is working with to deliver messages and guidance. She also uses her spiritual gifts to inspire, manifest, heal, banish, and clear through her candle magic. 

Elizabeth exemplifies authenticity, not giving a single f*ck what people think about you, and not allowing the past to dictate the present. The life path she has walked is inspiring to say the least. From being sexually assaulted as a child, to being kicked out at 13 to moving beyond addiction, and self-hatred to being told she doesn’t have psychic powers. She has truly faced life and learned to love herself in order fulfill her purpose on earth - empowering women to realize their gifts and purposes. 

She offers insight into how to connect to your spirit guides with journal prompts, meditations, and music and serves us the tea on her perspective of our world right now. 

We also talk about: 

  • Getting stuck in awareness 
  • Overcoming resentments 
  • How spirit is done with half-a**ed healers 
  • Celebrating other people winning 
  • Toxic conditioning children undergo in relation to family
  • How to know when your spirit guides are talking to you 


Follow Elizabeth on Instagram at:
 @elizabeth_fuckinmarie_psychic  and @cosmicteaholisticshop
Visit Cosmic Tea Holistic Shop at 8775 E Orchard Rd Suite #821, Greenwood Village, CO 80111. Book appointments online or by calling 720-502-7732

Find the full episode transcription here

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Kendle: Hey, y'all. You're listening to No Offense, And a loving and nourishing space created to fuel conversations around personal and collective liberation, where Kelly Kendle having vulnerable and intentional conversations full of humor, empathy, and of course, love.

Kelly:  Honestly, these episodes are just our opinions. So take no offense and we invite you to explore yourself through our words, help grow our community by leaving a review and most importantly, sharing. Now, let's get into some self-loving.


Kelly: Elizabeth!

Kendle: Elizabeth!! 


Kendle: I definitely feel like it just happened and I was like oh my gosh I am hearing a lot of things and I don’t know if I'm absorbing all of this, and I'm really grateful that we're recording this. 

Kelly: Oh, absolutely. It was an out of body experience almost for me. Absolutely. I mean, literally, we're on our way to record the catch up to what we just heard. And I'm like, I need to relisten to that a little bit to remember what happened because total surreal out of body experience. So we interviewed Elizabeth. 

Kendle: Yes, Elizabeth Friklin Elizabeth fucking Marie on Instagram. 

Kelly: Be careful. She has lots of spammers. She will never message you for a reading, so just be cautious of that. If you befriend her and her actual account, you'll get some other spam ones that message you. 

Kendle: But she is a multi, Claire. Seer, she's a business woman. She’s a badass 

Kelly: yeah, she's a bad ass bitch. I don't even know how to summarize her. But she was gracious enough to allow us to interview her for this episode where we are learning about her self love journey, about her clairvoyant powers, about how to be a more empowered person, a woman, and really how to tap in. 

Kendle: Yeah, very much how to tap in. I feel like we just scratched the surface on her self love journey. And I'm so curious. I mean, the instant we were done, we were like, I want to keep interviewing her time and time and time again. 

Kelly: Well, she just has so much beautiful wisdom on how to love yourself, on how to heal that, and how to reconnect with yourself. I know we talked a lot about the awareness piece, and it's great to be aware and know that you need help or that there's a problem or an issue or something within you. But how to really move past that and push past the anger you have around some of the awareness that you are unhappy with? I mean, I can't wait to interview her again. I am so excited to share this. Yeah, just knowledge bomb after knowledge bomb after helpful tip. After helpful tip. I was just sitting there in awe, and I just cannot wait to take these tools and really utilize them. She's such a blessing. 

Kendle: She's such a blessing. I'm going to go buy three journals!

Kelly: I was driving, and I was like, I need to stop by the store and I need to go get three journals that are all different colors and they can't touch each other. And I'm going to start journaling right when I get home. 

Kendle: Yes, absolutely. As you said, so many tools. And it's so cool because we even did a little mini self love moment in this episode. It's not even Monday. Here we are. It was just such a gift. Everything she was saying from this journey of learning to love ourselves, of discovering ourselves, is selfish. And that's so beautiful. And we can't give to the collective what we want to give to the collective until we heal ourselves. And we can't manifest what we want to manifest until we heal ourselves. And she kept mentioning this word sideways, and I just love that imagery because it's exactly as it sounds. It's sideways. Right? It's like we have these systems that have been working up and down for so long. 

Kelly: Yeah. 

Kendle: And we got to go around them. We have to go sideways and build systems that actually benefit the collective, which is what she's doing with her shop, Cosmic Tea. Just empowering women and people of color in every which way that she can. A lot of sexual trauma healing in that shop. It's beautiful. 

Kelly: It really is. 

Kendle: Yeah. 

Kelly: You say sideways, and I'm just thinking, like, yeah, what everyone's been doing is so linear. It's been up and down. It's following that flow, that path. And to come from it sideways is just taking a different perspective, a different approach, tackling it differently, because what's happening right now is not working. And we just need to completely shift away. And the way to do that is through loving ourselves. 

Kendle: Yes. Finding ourselves. 

Kelly: Like everything that you and I are about in this podcast. I think that's why I was just literally out of my body. She even told us, you'll hear her, she's like, Breathe. 

Kendle: Neither of you are breathing. You need to breathe. And were like uhuh 


Yes. It was a very beautiful moment. And such an honor. It really was an honor and a gift. 

Kelly: It really was a gift. What a way to start my morning. 

Kendle: What a way! and in the space where we met. 

Kelly: I know. And yes, to circle back why we really wanted to interview Elizabeth, besides her just being an amazing warrior goddess. That is how Kenny and I met. That's how this whole love story started. That is how this podcast started. She was the person. And again, because she's such a beautiful soul and only wants to good for everyone, she has this beautiful space where we were able to come to that and meet each other. And that in itself is also so many blessings this morning. 

Kendle: A morning of blessings. Ah Yeah. And it's a blessing to share this with y’all. 

Kelly: I can't wait for you guys to listen. Small disclosures. During part of the recording, she did have her business open. So there may be a little bit of noise or maybe some editing out. Again, she's running a business, a very successful business. So she's a busy woman. So ignore all of that. Just taking all of the great content. And if you are sharing this with maybe a child, I think a lot of the messages she has is good, but it can be a bit languagey and there are some sensitive topics. So just warning before listening, for sure. 

Kendle: This can be activating. She does talk about her own addictions, sexual trauma that she's experienced. Yeah. So as Kelly said, some heavy topics. So we just encourage people to pause if they need to take care of themselves. Drink water, put your feet in the grass and know that we love you. 

Kelly: Just remember, this is no offense and so you hear some things no offense. And listen to the message. Listen up. Well, let's hop into it. 

Kendle: Yeah. Enjoy y’all 

Elizabeth: As uh ambience in your house. 

Kelly: I feel like they could be a little bigger.

Elizabeth: I'm going to get bigger ones. 

Kendle: Are they the small ones? 

Kelly: Yeah they are little small dick crystals, I want a big dick crystal. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, I have candles and dildos around my house 

Kelly: as decor? 

Elizabeth: Yeah. I want to put a yellow vagina candle in my house. That's what I need. 

Kendle: I like that. How has it been living alone? 

Elizabeth: It's been amazing. Yeah. I love it. Me and Morgan have lived together it would have been eight years, nine years, maybe eight, nine years this month. But we lived together for eight years. It's kind of like I'm enjoying it. Yeah. I'm having a lot of fun and the dogs make me laugh and I'm having a great time. 

Kendle: They’re characters

Elizabeth: they're so stupid. Their personalities are coming out more and more. 

Kendle: Aww

Kelly: The weenies? 

Elizabeth: Mhmm

Kendle: She met them. 

Elizabeth: Oh, you did? 

Kendle: She came over when I was housesitting. 

Elizabeth: They're so stupid. Oh, my God, 

Kelly: They’re so cute. they're so sweet. What are their names? Winston's the big one. 

Elizabeth: Bernie is the fat potato and then Charlie is the psychopath. Charlie's the psychopath. 

Kelly: He’s an attention whore. Poor little Bernie. I was trying to give him all the love and Charlie is like, I'm not having it. It's all about me. 

Kendle: You are mine. 

Kelly: Oh, he's like sitting on top of him to get me. 

Elizabeth: He sits on him! Yeah, Charlie sleeps right beside me in winston and Bernie sleep together, so I love that. 

Kendle: It's cute. 

Elizabeth: I love him. All right, let's do this. What are we going to talk about? Let's make some people upset. 


Kendle: I mean honestly, we're here to just hear what you have to say. We're so curious about your self love journey. We've really been feeling the energy of metamorphosis has been coming through a lot with interviews with ourselves. Um yeah. So it's really wherever you want to take us. 

Elizabeth: Okay. You ask me questions and then I'm in. Okay. So ask me anything. I did not prepare. I just there's no to allow me to speak my truth and my authenticity. So let's go. 

Kelly: Yeah. We want to definitely hear your self love journey. I definitely want to hear what it's like to be a psychic because oh, my God. Because you're so powerful and you're just amazing. Like, your energy your spirit, your space, that you hold everything that you're doing. This is so inspiring. And I remember having my first reading with you, and I came back, and I just had to thank you because you just helped me heal, and you helped me see I'm going to get emotional. You helped me see. You helped me see a clear path to move forward. Like, there was all these things, but what does that feel like? What is it like? I have so many questions. Just tell me everything about being a psychic. 

Elizabeth: I've been psychic since I was four. And this is fucked up story, but this is my reality. When I was four years old, so my mother got pregnant with twins when she was 15. She was a Jehovah Witness, and they made her marry another Jehovah Witness who was not my biological father. She died not telling us his name. We never found out our biological dad's real name. She married this guy named Randy, and he raised us until we were nine. He was physically abusive, emotionally abusive, and he's a profile. And at four years old, I thought it was funny. And I locked him out of the house, and the memory is vivid as day. And he came back in, and he was mad, and he took me on top of the counter, and he shoved Pamala down my throat, almost a bottle. And I kept puking, and he made me swallow it. And I looked, and I was crying for my mom to help me. And I heard her go, I hope she dies. And I looked at my grandma. There was nothing there. Fast forward to about six years of my sobriety. So about five years ago, I was talking to my grandmother, and I asked her, I go, Why did you almost let me die? And I told her the story, and she started crying. She's like, I can't believe you remember it. And she goes, I thought he would kill me if I tried to help you. And I was like, So you're okay watching him kill your granddaughter so that you could live? And in that moment, I knew that I had to help women and be a voice for women. I've had the gift since I was four. I drank it away, smoked it away, fucked it away, numb it away, any which way I could. And I always kept having relationships with my spirit guides. Like, I could always fill them. I knew them. And then I got sober. When I tried to get sober, and I just was like they were the only person I would cry to them that I didn't want to drink. I would cry to them all the time. And I just kept knowing things before they would happen. Like, I would see things before they would happen. I would read people's minds. I would fill people's energies. I would predict things. And I knew that I had it in me, but I hated it too, because I could feel everybody, and I just didn't know how to. Like, first of all, I was completely broken. I had all kinds of trauma in my body. My mother kicked me out when I was 13 because her boyfriend didn't like me. I've lived on my own since I was 13, and I honestly don't know how. I'm not a psychopath. I asked my therapist all the time, how am I not in an institution? Like, how the fuck did I make it? First of all, I have empathy, compassion, understanding. I'm crazy, but not unlike a sugar in your gas tank kind of crazy. I'm like, who gives a fuck? Like, be chubby. Be proud. So I've predicted things so much. I've loved tarot since I was little. I've gone to psychics, and I had a lot of psychics telling me that I wasn't psychic and that I didn't have gifts a lot. And there's this old lady in Tucson that I went to, and she was like, why are you talking to me? You have it all in you. Why are you talking to me? You know it. And then I would start reading me. And when I got sober, and I would spot the fuck on, and then I would read for random people. Spot the fuck on. And then I was like, you got to meditate. You got to clear your mind, and you just got to just trust spirit. And I just kept trusting spirit and denying my gift. And one day, I made a fucking impact with spirit. I was like, let's go. I want to move to either San francisco or california or San francisco or colorado, because I'm from here. And I was like, fuck it. Let's go. And I waited a year, and I ended up moving here. And the first three years were really hard. It was lonely. So I just hung out with my spirit guides all the time and just got to know them and talk to them. And I remember one time I was drinking really heavy, and I heard a train. Like, literally, I could feel the wind on my back, and I was like, oh, shit, something's happening. And so I started to learn to trust my intuition, and then it just fell into place. I would go to certain holistic shops and ask them to work there, and everybody would turn me down. Everybody turned me down. Don't worry, kids. They're giving me a look. They're my clients now. 

Kelly: Well, I'm like, I mean, we're in your shop. That is so successful and grown.

Kendle: And we’ve received your gift. 

Elizabeth: What it did was it put a fire in me. It was like, I have to help women of color, chubby women, people of color. I have to do something, because it's being dominated by I'm going to say it, okay by racist, fucking white people. It is fucking I meet people that will go to Mexico and different fucking Third world countries and learn all the medicine and come back and then teach people in that whole picture is only white people, and they're all aesthetically the same. They look like they're all from Burning Man. Yeah. Shots fired. Bitches fired. Keep them coming. And for me, it was like I was so embarrassed. I remember I was more embarrassed to tell social media that I was a psychic, to stand in my psychic power than I was to say that I got sober, right? And so I remember my guides just literally were like, fuck it. And honestly, what also empowered my psychic abilities was the self love journey. It was dating men who had respect for women like the size of a Tic TAC, and men being able to treat me in a way that I felt that scraps were great. I teach my staff all the time that I'm going to buy them a filet mignon at 7/11. It felt like that, right? And I don't think so. What happened was it was Morgan. It was really Morgan. I met Morgan. I was living with some people, and one of them got somebody pregnant. And so I moved out on my own, and me and Morgan be able to, like, black mold and fucking inspire station, and we had to go shower each other's things. We didn't know each other really well. We just had a mutual friend in common. And I looked her one day, and I was like, do you want to move out and live in an apartment? She's like, yes. And honestly, the self love journey started with Morgan. And I think Spirit knew exactly what that was like. So for me, I didn't know how to turn it off and on. So I would sit at my kitchen table or with Morgan on our patio, or we would sneak into the pool late at night time when it was closed. I would just talk with the universe above it, and I would just ask them, okay, tell me what you need from me. And then I would just start knowing things. And I got a job at Alchemy Rituals who are some amazing human beings. And I went there, and I did a reading for the owner. And she was like, you can leave. You can leave. I'm never selling my house. I told her she was going to sell her house, go to this fucking I didn't say pilgrimage, but I said something close to pilgrimage and do, like, this crazy thing in France. And then two weeks later, she called me, and she's like, I sold my house, and me and my mom are going on this ridiculous fucking walk. It was a pilgrimage. And she said, when can you start? And I was like, let's go. And I was bar attending and doing that full time and doing readings. And then I started predicting shit for everybody, and I stopped dating men who taught me that I'm incapable of being loved. And I started falling in love with my vagina. I got this beautiful human being. Beautiful human being at Herbs and Arts made me a dick candle, and I started swimming in dick. And I was like I took it over the line of being sexual, of like, I want to fuck you. I'm going to fuck you. I don't want to fuck you. I'm going to do a fucking orgy with you. No. And I started having fun, and I started setting sex goals every year instead of like New Year's resolutions, I did sex goals, and I started doing it. And Morgan held space for me and loved me for being awkward and weird. And then I went on social media, and I put on there that I'm a psychic, and this is the cool thing that spirits done for me, and it will continue doing to me. So people that send me negative energy have fun with this. I actually 100% don't know if I'm liked on social media, if my clients like me or any opinions about me. When people tell me they love me, I say, thank you, spirit. Shuts it down and moves me here. I'm not allowed to put my ego into anything, and they've had that since day one. So I honestly don't know my social media presence. I just know that I show up every day, keep the doors open so that women can learn how to tap into their intuition, learn their different types of players, what their purposes are, because there are multiple purposes. And I knew. I was like, I'm going to fucking flip the game. Like nobody would give me a seat at the table in this fucking city. So I made a fucking table, and now those bitches are trying to fucking poach my table. So for me, being a psychic, honestly, is not backing down and being intimidated by people. So if men talk to God, it's great. They write a Bible. They get to run the Senate. They get to do all kinds of things. Women talk to God, it's a fucking genocide burned at the stake. So what it is, is that I've died so many times in my past life for my gifts, this life, I'm going to set it all on fire, full body, show it all on fire. And so I've come in sideways where it's like, I'm not marching in the streets, but I am empowering women to find out who they are, learning their gifts so that they can go when they're told. You're supposed to sit there and be pretty and skinny. They go, yeah, I'm a nice fucking I'm going to go do shots of tequila off my friend's Ted. You have a great day. And that's still spiritual, right? But the thing with me is with learning and using my spirit guides on a regular basis, how to love me, because I didn't know. And then the universe would send people in my life to teach me I was loved, and then they would leave. So I always thought that I was never capable of being loved unconditionally. And so what happened was I just got tired of being sad, and I got tired. And so when I got sober, I got into AA. I did a lot of step work. I did a lot of service work. And I feel that I realized that I was actually pretty fucking cool and that I do have a voice and that people are intimidated by me, but they're not intimidated by my weight or that I can throw hands. They're intimidated that they can't fucking push me over. And my whole life, I dreamed about being anybody but myself. And then I stopped. And then I started realizing how cool I am. Sometimes I have insecurities. Right. But I realized that I'm pretty fucking dope. And that every time I see a woman win politics, I'll tell you about that later, but when I saw what's her name? Kamala Harris get what is it called, inductive or what? I cried like a baby. And my nail lady was doing she was like, what is wrong with you? And I said, for a black woman to have a dream, even to be in the government, and she did it. We all have to celebrate that. That's a fucking win. And she thought it was weird, and I was like, well, now I can't have you as a male lady. But for me, it was like, yeah, doing step work, breath work changed my motherfucking life. I don't think people understand what breath work is capable of doing for you. And then I started doing manifestations, and then I've manifested every single thing I've ever wanted. There's nothing I've manifested, nothing I've wanted that I've never manifested. And I was like, I got to teach people this, that. But I'm having problems with that because a lot of people don't want to do the healing work to be able to be that fucking master manifestation. We just want the instant. So, yeah, there's that, though. Go to the next question. 

Kendle: I appreciate all that you took us through. 

Kelly: Yeah! What a journey. 

Kendle: Yeah. There's so many points that I kind of want to circle back to.

Kelly: so many questions. 

Kendly: One thing that really came to me was when you started working at Alchemy, you were still bartending. How was that for you and your sober journey?

Elizabeth:  I love it. Yeah. So for me, it took me 15 years to really get sober. I went to rehab, rehab for a year, kept drinking. So what happens is, for me, I thought that I was just because I would see faces all the time, I'm a medium, but I don't identify as a medium for multiple reasons. But I'll explain that later. For me, bartending, I know that when I put alcohol in my body, that it gets ugly, and I become somebody that is suffering. Like I'm my mother's daughter, right? And so when I don't put alcohol in my body and I shift things, my whole family starts to shift, right? And so when I would bartender, I love people. And I just had fun, like making people smile. And the drinking didn't really bother me. Watching people to get drunk doesn't bother me because I like people laughing and smiling. I had a great time in the past. I love hanging out with people sometimes. And so it was a great time for me. I never wanted to drink when I was bartending. And I had a great fucking time. It was so much fun. And I got to read people's energy. And I'm like, that is not your husband. You are miserable. Oh my God, you two are going to get married. And I just got to play with my predictions, honestly. There was this guy that would come in all the time. He's so funny. I can't say his name, but he was the CEO of a very prominent jet company, like a jet lender or like a private jet company. And I was like, you're going to have a baby. And he was like, Elizabeth, don't say that. I have a vasectomy so that I can't get these horse pregnant. And I was like, no, you're about to have a baby. And he was like, I bet you $1,000 I won't. I go, I bet you $1,000 you will. And he got somebody pregnant. His vasectomy reversed and he got somebody pregnant. They live in Oklahoma now. 

Kelly: Did he give you $1,000? 

Elizabeth: He gave me Chipotle gift cards. 

Kendle: Even better. 

Elizabeth: Obviously, I can't eat Chipotle really ever again. But he was cool. And I started predicting things. And then I met this housewifer named Missy. And she was like, you have a gift. And I was like, yeah. So I started reading for all these housewives and it was so funny. And then one time I was at this party and this lady's like, you should charge. And I was like, you're right. I should charge. And Spirit is like, well, fucking damn time. And I'm like, oh, okay. Deal. And so I actually quit my restaurant job on Cigarette Maya Mexican Liberation. That was my last day. And I was like, spirit. Plan A, plan B. Let's go. Plan B and plan A are the same thing. And I told that to one of my spiritual advisors. I have three. But I told them, she was like, well, what are you going to do? And I was like, Plan A. Plan B, bitch. What do you mean? We're going to open a fucking shop and help women. Let's go. Sometimes I do. Miss Bartending. Like, when this fucking bullshit of a month. I'm like, God. But I was like, I wouldn't trade these days and wish that I had a shop for days so I don't punch somebody on their throat. Yeah, absolutely. And all this happened, correct. If I'm wrong here. Five, six, seven years ago. Yeah. So in 2020, I opened my shop, the 2019 ceremony, miles when I fucking quit. And then I got my keys for the shop two or three days before the world shut down. And then when 2020 happened, everybody's watching Netflix, we were gutting this bitch. 

Kelly: Wow. And now you've already expanded. That's insane. What an I'm so motivated right now. 

Elizabeth: Everybody can do it. You just got to heal. I believe that you have to heal. And if you don't heal, I believe spirit is done with half ass healers, with healers that tell people what to do but don't fucking honor and do themselves. So I think we're having a huge shift of people because a lot of people are attracted to dark magic right now because they're angry and it feels good. So when you're punishing people or causing harm, it feels good. However, that comes with a consequence. 

Kendle: Absolutely. 

Kelly: I'm in a healing journey. I think we're all very much in a healing journey. And for me personally, I know it's very hard, like, it's easy to flip back and you're trying you're doing all these things. How do you connect with spirit? 

Elizabeth: My thing is I ask myself, am I worth it? Am I worth it? And then what I do is a lot of people are not in their bodies. I've learned I have to be in my body. So if I'm not in my body, how I manifest buddy sucks. My clientele drops, I start overeating. I come into anger. I start bathing into my resentment. And so when I'm doing healing, I ask my spirit guides to wrap me in their arms and help me feel the energy. I meditate every fucking note. But I used to when I was at the beginning of my healing journey, I would meditate every night with either music or Archangel Saddle Farm, which is the archangel of music. What you do is every day I usually do this. I can do this today. I'll show you guys. So I'll ask my spirit guides to tell me what the day has in store for me. And then I started having them talk to me through music because it was sporadic with hearing them. And then I would meditate, and I would meditate like psychopaths, not like an hour or 3 hours. I would meditate for 15, 30, 40 minutes or an hour. And I would just ask my spirit guides questions, and I would ask them to show me what I need to do that is necessary to get me further, to get me progressed. And they've always done it. And then they will make my signs huge for me. And I would play different types and be selfish, different types of heart, healing, clarity, DNA activation, whatever. Play it when you go to sleep and ask your subconscious to tap in and to clean it. And I do this thing where now we just started. It where you close your eyes and you're meditating and you visualize you standing inside of you, and you look up in the subconscious is here between your belly button and your heart. And it's like cosmic energy, right? And then you go in and you take your hand up in it and you pull down a word. And that word is what you need to work on. Okay? I don't like yoga. I think yoga is dwarfed into something that doesn't generate healing. I think that yoga was made for pre-pubescent 14 year old boys to handle their hormones and emotions. Then. Now it's like booty yoga. Goat yoga. I love some of those ideas, but go dance. Go dance for your higher self, for your spirit. Don't put yoga in the word on it and don't profit off of that. And then with the empaths they love animals. So it's like going to hang out with animals. Go do something that helps connect that. And so for me, I didn't do anything trendy. Nothing breath work was that school. Now it's getting trendy, but I'm like, fuck it at work. So I'll let it go. But yeah, honestly. And then journaling, journaling, journaling, journaling. Doing the step work and then removing toxic fucking emotions out of my body. So for me, my mom was my villain my whole life, right? So I did so many four steps, which is part of a program to remove that. And what I saw was that I had a warped idea of love. And so I would heal that warped I would focus on the warped idea of love. So I will write down I will write down my resentment, what it affects for me, my part of that resentment, and then what? There's defects come in that. And so I would heal my defects and that hurt part of me, so that I couldn't hold on to the anger, right? So for me, I come from a long line of women who protect pedophiles and lots of children. So for me, it's doing sex trauma, doing healing work around my vagina and realizing that is by doing yoni steams spirit, introducing yoni steams. I've never stopped. Yoni steams are fired, especially doing them yourself, created by women who want you to heal your fucking sex moves. There's no more power in that, right? And working on the resentment, honestly, healing that part of you. So I had to first work on being velapted and realizing that I'm not just a body for men or religious men. So you don't hear me really talk shit about religious people. Because everybody knows they're trash anyway, right? They know it's trash. So instead of dealing with that, I go to the other way of starting to heal women and doing it. Instead of saying the patriarchy, yes, I fucking whatever. However, we got to do it sideways because it isn't working anymore, right? And what I realized is the more you heal the happier you get. And with the whole Trump thing, I think it was the best thing to happen to this country. Absolutely. And what happens is all those people are staying angry. So for me, what my guides have taught me now is from doing all these journals, all this meditation, all this thing, and connecting with my spirit and my spirit counsel my guides, walking into my gifts, allowing myself to be my gifts, not fucking apologizing for being the weird girl or the girl that can see ghosts, or the girl that can predict shit. I'm not apologizing for that. I'm not fucking dark. I'm empowered, bitches. And standing in that and knowing that I signed a contract saying that I would take the shit on, I would be fucking, I would be disappointed. I would be abandoned as a small child. Because if I wasn't, I wouldn't be able to be who I am today. Right? So if I came from a cozy house and home, I could probably do a bunch of this shit, but I wouldn't be the person that gives no fuck. Right? Also, you know what's crazy, and this sounds going to sound silly, I watch The Voice and certain shows that when people try out, only when they try out, I don't watch the competition and cry and celebrate other people winning. Because I think that's the hardest thing is that women and other people don't celebrate other people's wins. They turn it into competition. And for me, my spirit guides have taught me nobody is competition, not one person. And so I think that being in that energy has amped my gift. So I just look at somebody and I can see your heart is a little bit to the right today. You need to get centered, which means you probably dreamed a lot or you cried in the back of your heart is trash right now. And so by Dads, by the journaling, the writing and being clear headed and I don't do drugs or alcohol. I've wanted to try mushrooms, but I'm sober. Sober. And my twelve step program, they don't consider that sober. But I stay sober and I eat a lot of carbs and I drink sweet tea and I'm okay with that because people can't keep up with my predictions. I'll take me through the go. Yes. All right. What else would you like to know?

Kendle: I mean, I just again, your mind. I love to exist in it. 

Elizabeth: I keep asking my spirit guides what I need to talk about. 

Kendle: I feel like you're taking us through so much and I appreciate that because you're hitting on such pivotal points. Right. It's like I can't do the work for other people unless I do the work for myself. And I can't be in a state of abundance if I'm not moving away from resentment and anger and holding on to that. And I have to be selfish in all of this and especially with what's happening in the collective world. Like, the forces that keep us down want us to stay angry. They want us to stay resentful because we're not empowered, we're not in our bodies. And I just want to stay with that message. 

Elizabeth: Awareness disentagonizes your shadow without doing anything, without doing the action. Awareness is trash to me. I give two fucks about your awareness. I give two shits. Tell me what you're fucking how you're bleeding and how you're feeling like that wound. I have two shit if you don't hear a piece of shit. 

Kendle: Do you think awareness has to come first, though? 

Elizabeth: 180%? Yes, 180%. I think it's baby steps. I think it's baby steps. And also think people are so scared of awareness because then all those critical thinkings come in and people just bleed. So I do. I think awareness is absolutely amazing. This is going to be controversial. I think awareness has caused the whole world to stay in anxiety and not move through it. Yeah, so what my therapist tells me, he's like, Elizabeth, you like, go into the pits of hell, grab people, pull them up, shake them off, show them what they're capable of and send them on their way. And he's like, you'll always have dark shit around you, which I do. People are obsessed with shadows. I'm like, oh, you're so cute. But what I see is the people that are done, they're done with their storyline, with their depression, their sadness. They just wanted to numb and not be alive. I understand that feeling. And so for me, those people that push the Beers through it are warriors. But what's happening is a lot of people are getting into awareness and then staying angry also. And this is controversial too, but whatever I'll say, I'll say it. I believe that there are a lot of women who have become so masculine because they've been taught that you have to run the family. You have to do this. If he cheats when I asked my grandmother about I asked her because she was a Jehovahs Witness. I asked her. I go, Grandma, what did you see the Johova Witness documentary? And she goes, Elizabeth, those girls were lying. And I went, okay. And I was on speaker, and Borg, I was like, okay. I was like all of them were lying. And she was like, yeah. And I go, well, what about your own granddaughters? We were molested by them. And she goes, Elizabeth, boys will be boys. And I went, well, you just fucking died. And I had a little funeral for her. And I was like, I'm done. I will never change her. She's 70, and she died two months after my mom committed suicide. And she wasn't coming around. I asked her. I was like, Where the fuck is my grandma? And they're like, she's embarrassed. And I went, she should be. Tell her. Say whatever the fuck she is. But what I got was for me, for the anxiety is that you have a lot of women who are angry, who don't know how to love their daughters because their brothers didn't love them, and they come dependent on their sons or on men. And so when they're pregnant, they're transferring all that energy to their fucking kids, mothers and sons and daughters, right? So what's happening is these kids didn't even get a chance because their fucking brother sent through the healing work, right? And then all these Karen's around the world I don't think half of these bitches are fucking racist. I think they're fucking dumb. What I do believe is that these Karen that are all around the world are so angry but can't yell at their family, their kids, their husband, their nothing, because they're terrified of abandonment. And if they flip out on their people, then they're abandoned. So they pick. They beat a barista or a black boy or girls that they find slutty. You know? So ya I believe that it’s that. And that a lot of anxiety and stuff is coming, and a lot of cultures teach their fucking kids to mind, that it's okay. Just don't go around that uncle. You have to. Family is everything. It doesn't matter if you're being manipulated. It doesn't matter if you're being gaslighted. Family is everything. And I think that's fucking torture to all of our souls. And I think that the awareness has to come that a lot of cultures can do better. That's why I don't fuck with a lot of I believe in the Native American community that a lot of the tribes and the chiefs are selling girls from their tribes to white men. I believe that in North Dakota or in Montana, that is what is fucking happening. And I think that people can culture vulture and still all kinds of things, but I think we need to start focusing on women being valued, being seen, and being taught more than they are a body. So I think there's so much chaos to go on that awareness is cute yet, but I don't give a fuck. We got shit to do. We got people to heal. We got people to inspire. We got to shift shit. So, like, I just that's what I feel. That's my opinion. 

Kendle: Yeah, we love it. Don't love the aspects of the things you said. However, your opinion is so valued, and we appreciate you sharing it. 

Elizabeth: Oh, thank you. 

Kendle: Yeah. 

Elizabeth: Both of you are not breathing. Just breathe. 

Kendle: Sorry. 

Kelly: Hi, Saylor. 

Kelly: I'm taking in a lot. 

Elizabeth: Oh, you're good. 

Kelly: I have a question circling back to spirit. How do you tell the difference between when it's spirit talking to you, when it's yourself talking to you, when it's higher self talking to you? 

Elizabeth: Tone. Tone. Because it sounds like you guys. Yeah, it's 100% they use your voice. It's tone. My spirit guides sound very well, they're masculine. So all spirit guides are masculine or feminine. I know the whole world is having a fucking whatever, but spirit guides for human life are either supposed to be masculine or feminine. On the other side, they're nothing. But on this for human, they are. And so what you have to learn is mine sound, they're firm. And when my higher self comes in, when my higher self talks to me, I ask spirit to show me her coming in. And she floats down and she's white and yellow, energetically. And she's like, what's up? When she talks to me, I hear her on my left side. When my spirit guides talk to me, it's on my right side, right? And then always center. So it comes in and in. But when she talks to me, it's here, 

Kendle: Here meaning in your third eye, center..

Elizabeth: In my being

Kendle: In your being. 

Elizabeth: So you have spirit guides, which are two ethereal beings that are sent with you from the beginning. Your soul cancels the one who writes your contracts, right? And then you have messenger guides, spirit guides, angels. I consider angels and guardian angels the same thing. And then you have different you have spirit animals. You have the unliving in this life, past lives and future life. So I don't use the word ancestors because a lot of when mediums work with people, they're talking with the family in this life. They're not talking in different lives. And so psychics, you can have the availability to talk to many different pathways and stuff like that. And so when you're talking to your spirit guides, what I always suggest people to do is to lay down, listen to music and then energetically feel them. And also being saying, telling nothing. And what is allowed around me that is dense, negative, manipulative or codesthetic, no energy like that. And then what happens is when you close your eyes, you ask them to speak to you. It took me a minute to get their names, like a year, but I have their names. And then they'll give you names. It's like, simple. Like Charlie. 

Kelly: That's exactly the name that I was thinking 

Elizabeth: to learn how to tap in with them. I do like a little thing where I'll write a question and then I'll close my eyes and ask my spirit guides to come into me. And then I'll answer it. But I'll write all my questions out first. In the shower, I'll wash my hair, my body, I'll wash salt all over me and I'll go into cold water, back and forth. And then I'll ask my spirit guides to give me the sensation of yes and no. So that's always fun. And then when you get from yes and no, then you can move on. I try to teach people you're the pendulum. I love pendulums, but we're the pendulum. So when you're working with your spirit guides, you know those voices that tell you don't do it and you do it? A lot of people think that's themselves. It's not, it’s your spirit guides. It's warning the train. That was my spirit guide saying shit's about to move. It did it move to fucking crazy? Asking spirit to show you signs that are undeniably them. Does that make sense? Is intuition the same as your spirit guides? Intuition is guided by your spirit guides, okay? And I also believe that daydreams. Are your spirit guides dropping possibilities into your head. Here, you want to try it real fast? 

Kendle: Yeah. Everybody, if you want to join us. 

Elizabeth: Yeah, go ahead. All right, so I want you to sit cross legged, put your hands on your heart, move your shoulders around a little bit, and then I want you to visualize your inner child, about six or seven, standing in front of you, and she is happy. She is joyful, or they are joyful, whoever is doing this, okay? And I want you to ask them, your inner child, to come into your heart and sit on top of your heart, looking, facing out. And I want her to open her palms and ask her spirit guides to come into each hand left and right. I want her to call in your spirit guides to come into you, and they're facing your heart on your left hand and your right hand. Okay? And I want you to ask her to whisper to her like you're standing behind her, and whisper. Asked them a question. Feel their answer and their tone inside of your lymph nodes and your thyroid.

[background noise for meditation]

Elizabeth: Okay So how did it go with your time with your spirit guides? 

Kelly: So I did it two times. I tried to bring her in. I could bring her in. I could get her to sit on my heart, and I could get her to put her hands out, but I could feel that she was afraid to listen to me, and I could feel I was like, I just want to know if spirits are there. Like, welcome them in. I want to hear yes or no. And I could see her pulling away, like she wouldn't let them in. 

Elizabeth: You have to take her on dates, okay? Take her on dates. Do things for have date nights and do dates for her and teach her that she could trust you, because what's happening is she doesn't trust, and people who don't trust have been abandoned and let down. So what you have to do is, one, know that you're not crazy in psycho, your spirit guides do exist. Two, they want you happy. And why is she scared? To be happy? Yes. Does that make sense? 

Kelly: So it's connecting the dots, so dates. So just really, like, sitting in there with her and just planning a whole fun activity. 

Elizabeth: Honestly, I take mine. So I'm definitely allergic to dairy. Okay. When I found out my grandma died, she used to take us to Dairy Queen when we were really little. And so I asked her to go, I know, you guys, but can I just have a peanut butter parfait, please? And they go, yes. And so I would eat it with my inner child talking to her, and I would be okay. The other day, I tried to do it and it was like, no. And then I died. Like, I couldn't get out of it. Like, it was bad doing that. Taking her to Botanic Gardens and showing her the world can be pretty, making her laugh, watching movies that you never got to, doing things that make her feel seed. And I would, like, brush my hair. I would tell her, I would lay her with me. I would lay my nine year old, my seven year old, and a bunch of others around me, and I would have them what was I going to say? And I would have them just watch TV with me and I would laugh. Chelsea Handler has changed my life. 

Kelly: Oh, I love Chelsea Handler. 

Elizabeth: She really did. She really like, I wouldn't be who I am today if she didn't exist. Really? Yeah. She doesn't know what she did for me. And with you, with that is you have to that's the breakthrough. That's why I do Bitches of Tarot. Because I'm a cunt. I'll be like, that's not good enough. Keep fucking trying. Keep trying. And then it'll happen and my class gets angry at me and cries. And then they have that moment and they go, oh, fuck. Could I go? We did it. I'm not for the faint of heart. I know I'm not. I know. Thank God that I have a therapist renting a room next door because I know that I will fuck people up. But for you. Tell her she's safe. Like, tell her you have to redaughter her, obviously. 

Kelly: Okay. Wow. 

Elizabeth: You felt great. 

Kendle: Yes and no. I think the ages six and seven, we had a lot of trauma, and so it was hard to envision her as happy. And then a lot of the questions that were just pertaining to times of vents, so I couldn't really pull myself away from that, I guess. 

Elizabeth: Ask yourself three questions, two simple. One, fucking hard. Always go hard first, and then do the simple ones. And you'll feel your ego trying to fight you. But when I saw I saw divine light come through you when you're going to yours. So you are supposed to be a teacher of some sort. You are supposed to be a teacher of some sort teaching people on a level.

Kendle: I receive that. 

Elizabeth: And you, sorry and you Kelly, Don't give a fuck what your family thinks about your gifts because your dad's side is full of fucking intuitives

Kelly: Really? 

Elizabeth: Yeah. They’re just angry. 

Kelly: I can see that. My grandma, she's always loved, like, that psychic, and she met with a psychic when she was younger, and she loves all of that. 

Elizabeth: I love it. All right. What else do you want to know? In 20 minutes, I got to deal with some motherfuckers. 

Kendle: You are a woman who owns businesses and manages a lot of people, so we appreciate you giving us your time. 

Elizabeth: I love you

Kendle: If you had to pick one ritual or ? 

Elizabeth: Journal. Journaling, journaling, journaling. Journaling. With my spirit guide with music in the background. Sometimes it could be like, classical, sometimes it could be spa music. Sometimes it's rage. Sometimes it can be anything. Hip hop, I love hip hop. It could be anything. But journaling. Nobody fucking, nobody bothering you. Lighting a piece of shit candle, any kind of candle, nothing crazy. And just sitting with self and journaling. I don't care. This is what I say. If you're having to do drugs to have spiritual experiences every time, you're going to go into dark energy and you're going to get entities attached to you if you journal every now and then, have fun. Ayahuasca, mushrooms, wherever the fuck you bitches are doing combo. I don't know all that's just crazy shit. Go for it. However, when you sit with a journal in your room and play music and you talk with your spirit guides and journal with them and you let them just give you ideas to flow, you're unstoppable. And it sounds silly, but that's how I've seen greatness come from. And working on resentment. 

Kelly: Can you think off the top of your head a couple? For me, when I started journaling, it was so hard. I was like, I have no idea what to journal about. Is there any couple of key things that you could think of? 

Elizabeth: Bitch, bitch, bitch it out. Yes. I have three separate journals. I have a journal where I just fucking bitch about it. A journal that I set goals. I bitch about the journal. I set goals and ideas, and then a mundane journal when I can't fucking journal, and I don't want them touch and they're different colors, right? And so for me, it's starting. You have to get your anger out because it will pop up every now and then. That's why so many people are like, I've learned this lesson. No, you didn't. Or if you did learn that lesson, spirits trying to show you that it can still come up and see if it's going to affect you or not affect you. So for me, it's bitching. So writing about your anger and resentment of like, why am I fucking angry? Why does this keep happening? Why am I not getting it all out? And then going in on the other side and writing, just writing. And then going in one day where you go in and you just tell her it's going to be okay. And going into old journals and writing about what happened. So I had so many journals where I was like, I'm unlovable. I'm everything we love. He doesn't like me. This doesn't like me. And then I would go back in and be like, yeah, you weren't a waitress your whole life, baby girl. And I would go in with red pen and write over it. So I say bitch, bitch, bitch. Write everything you're angry about. And then when you feel like you can't write anything angry about, then you start interviewing yourself in that mundane journal of, like, what do I want? What inspires me? What makes me happy? I don't believe people really know who they are. I think we're all playing certain roles. And so when you learn what makes you happy, you energetically, shift out of this field, and you go into the next field, and that's where intuition, psychic abilities, happiness, joy happen. So bitch. 

Kelly: I love that. I can't wait to go bitch and get some journals. 

Elizabeth: But then you have to interview yourself also about how you're happy. Like, what makes you happy. When I first got sober, my first year, my father asked me, she goes, yeah, what do you enjoy doing? And I was like, eating. I have no idea of crying. I don't know. I only knew I knew what I liked when I was drinking. And I was like, I have no idea. And she's like, we'll go find her. And I did, and that's how I got into foodie energy, and that's how I found out I like, paddleboarding. This is also a thing. If you're ever inclined to go to the ocean, it's because you want to feel free. You feel stagnant and stuck, and you want to clear. You need salt, so go to the ocean, but also salt showers and salt baths. Nine out of ten times will heal that ocean. 

Kelly: I’m always call it to the ocean. It's my happy spot. 

Elizabeth: So how can you create that in your life? Today? 

Kendle: Yeah, we're a little landlocked here. 

Elizabeth: Cold water plunging.  I do in Morrison, I go all the time. I want to go naked this month and jump in it naked, but I don't want to. There's little bugs in there. But, yeah, bitch yourself off and write about why you're angry, and then ask yourself if you're capable of forgiveness. Forgiveness of self. You got to forgive yourself before you can forgive other people, right? And then in that happy journal, writing about things that you want to do that you never thought you could do and having conversations with your younger selves and really healing the little ones, because then you go to teenagers and adults, but healing that six year old. Why does that six year old have to hold on to that story? We're 23, 24, 20. We're 40, right? Why is my six year old why am I making my six year old live in the PTSD? So how can I release her of that PTSD. For goodness. When my mom killed herself in December, she had been my villain the whole life. I've forgiven her, but I wanted nothing to ever do with her again. And I also blamed her for all of our family trauma. Right? And when I went to the hospital, I flew into Seattle, and I drove from Seattle to where my mom was was it about two hour drive? And she died 20 minutes before I got there. And I knew that she died because she couldn't face me, right. Because she was on life support for five days. And she woke up in and out a couple of times on lifesport. And I knew she couldn't face us, right, because she knew what she had done wrong. And when I was walking into the IC unit after she died, she was still on Live Sport. I opened the door and she said, or somebody opened her. I actually don't know who opened door. And I heard her say Elizabeth, I'm finally free. And I just started bawling. And every resentment, everything I've ever had for my mother dissipated. She's no longer my villain. She's a woman that was molested forced to hang around her. Molester told that she was, at six years old, flirting with the fucking that she was flirting with my grandpa, and that's why she got why she got touched and then that she'd been raped multiple times. She was in an abusive relationship, and she had to drop out of school at 15. Like, she was everything I fight for today. She's not allowed to energetically in my shop still, but till she heals. 

Kendle: Boundaries 

Elizabeth: Till you heal all the way bitch, but her higher self can say hi. And so for me, it's so important to journal, and it's free. 

Kendle: Free 

Kelly: Free and it's accessible. 

Kendle: Yeah! Accessible I mean, pens and papers sans however, that is a thing. 

Elizabeth: Mhmm. Oh Absolutely. All right, mamas I got to go deal with some shit. 

Kendle: Oh, my gosh. This has been amazing. Thank you.

Elizabeth: I love you. 

Kendle: We love you! Thank you for your time. And is there anything that you want to promote aside from the shop? 

Elizabeth: Healing. Heal! Listen to podcasts of women who are doing it, not just saying the fluffy fucking words.

Kelly: what's our motto? You're going to be about it. 

All: Be about it. 

Elizabeth: Yeah! And it's kind of like, oh, bitches and Tarot,, I would like to think, but I think it's going to be already full by the time you guys go, okay, 

Kelly: but you always have them. 

Elizabeth: I do. I have them a lot 

Kendle: And you have a retreat in January?

Elizabeth: Yeah. I need to put it together. Okay. And then yeah. Healers. I have some amazing healer. I believe I have some of the best healers in Colorado, hands down. And I've hired, like I said, sex workers. I have a man of color that is coming in that oh, he's fine. I was like, I'm hiring you on the spot. I have. Some amazing healers here. Mariah's here. I have some really dope empowering women who don't give a shit about the ugly. They want to fucking walk through it with you and talk to your spirit guys. Bitches. Dear God. I need to make a course on spirit guides. 

Kelly: Yeah. Thank you so much for your time. 

Elizabeth: I love you.

Kelly: We love you. Thank you. 

Elizabeth: Absolutely! Oh that’s something also, I did for self love. I started sleeping butt naked. 

Kelly: I love sleeping naked.

Elizabeth: So I saw Giselle talk about that. You would never find her sleeping with clothes on. 

Kelly: Giselle Bunchin the supermodel?

Elizabeth: Uhuh Yeah. And I was like, I'm going to do that. And then I started sleeping but naked, and my self worth went up like amazing. Like, I have, like, a robe in case there's ever a fire to catch. 

Kelly: laughter - That's a good idea

Elizabeth: it's on my wall, right by my closet. So if there's fire, I'm like, don't go out titty first. But I don't care. But, yeah, I sleep butt naked. 

Kendle: Hell yeah.

Kendle: Thank you for holding space with this conversation. We hope it was expansive. As a new podcast, it would mean the world if you could please help us grow our community by leaving a review and sharing this episode. 

Kelly: Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on any of the juicy conversations. We would love to connect with you. So follow us on Tik tok Instagram and our patreon, coming soon.

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